Chapter 4 | Announcing

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After 10 minutes he checked the test and there was a + saying 2 weeks.

Taeyong had remembered what had happened 2 weeks ago as he started crying in his bed, under the blankets. It wasn't that he didn't want his boyfriends kids he just kept thinking about Jungwoo's journey.

Taeyong wanted to tell the CEO as soon as possible and get it over and done with. He left the room, forgetting the pregnancy test on his bed and that Jaehyun and Doyoung would be coming home any minute.

Taeyong entered the CEO of SM's office, "Yes Taeyong?" The CEO asked while signing some documents, not sparing a gaze at the younger.

"I need to t-tell you about something," Taeyong started, already feeling scared and emotional, "Umm I'm pregnant."

"W-Who's the father?" the manager stuttered while shuffling his feet.

"D-Doyoung and J-Jaehyun or just one. I don't know," Taeyong closed his eyes as he saw the CEO's hand go up.

Taeyong waited for the slap but instead heard some claps, "Y-You're not mad?"

"Nah. I ship you," the CEO smiled.

"O-Oh thank you. I-I should be heading back now."

"Yes. Good luck!"

"Ah, thank you," Taeyong said again, bowing before leaving the room.

When Taeyong entered his shared room, Doyoung and Jaehyun were holding the pregnancy test that he took. Taeyong's eyes widened before watering and he collapsed to his knees.

"Shh. Don't cry. We're not mad. We're sorry for not using protection. We were dumb,"

"No. I'm not upset because of that. I'm upset because I-I'm scared," Taeyong said, his voice very small.

"Don't worry. You have 2 boyfriends who will be here every step of the way okay?"

Taeyong hummed.

1 Week Later

Kyungsoon is now 2 months and her parents spoiled her with a lot of love as the youngest of the family giggled. The couple got a day off today despite having a concert for their new album Limitless (remember everyone is in the album so just pretend lol) the following days, consecutively for 2 weeks.

The Next Day

NCT had flown off to America yesterday. Lucas and Jungwoo had to drop their child off at their parents house for the following 2 weeks that they'd be performing overseas. All of NCT headed up on the stage and started performing.

Xiaojun had to sit on a chair on the stage because of the baby growing inside of him. Xiaojun was wearing a VERY big shirt to cover up the surprise inside of him. They were going to announce today to their fans.

Xiaojun got very annoyed because after every song break NCT did he had to go to the bathroom and rush to get back up before the song started.

Hendery always helped Xiaojun to get up which made fans confused. Maybe a broken bone? But they loved it because their ship was sailing.

During performances the baby would sometimes kick hard causing Xiaojun to miss words and stuff like that which made him very upset. He was annoyed he couldn't perform with the group but at the same time he's carrying a bundle of joy. Hendery and his bundle of joy.

The performances were now over and the American members of NCT were saying their goodbyes, "... but that isn't it for tonight. I think Hendery and Xiaojun want to say something," Mark said.

"Ahh yes," Hendery started, his English not being that bad.

"So Xiaojun and I wanted to tell you guys something. There's no point in hiding anyways. So Xiaojun and I are dating," Hendery started as the crowd went wild and Hendery kissed the top of the elder's head making him flush a bright red blush.

The audience calmed down before Hendery started again, "We're also expecting a baby boy."

Hendery rubbed his hands on Xiaojun's belly revealing what was underneath his long shirt. The audience again screamed in excitement and because their ship was sailing yet again.

Xiaojun was extremely happy about the reactions and happy tears started to fall down along with a few annoyed ones because he couldn't perform well. Hendery kissed the elder's tears away and leaned forward to kiss on the lips.

All the members were at home and teasing Xiaojun and Hendery about today, "Come on guys. Tell that to Ten and WinWin as well."

"Me too," Taeyong said quietly.

"That's right our baby is pregnant," Jaehyun said as the rest cheered and Ten and WinWin were extremely happy having another pregnancy buddy to rant to.


thank you so much so all the reads and votes. every one of you mean so much to me :)

see you in 4 days, byee!


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