Chapter 10 | Just Tired...

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{fuck i forgot about the title, sorry}

After a couple hours Xiaojun had finally finished. The poor omega looked drained. Ten and WinWin were asked not to come to the hospital even if they wanted to see the younger because it could put a lot of stress on them or scare them when they do need to give birth.

The two sadly agreed and were now at home cuddling with their boyfriends.

"How are you?" Jungwoo asked the Chinese.

"I'm feeling better now but still tired. How did you do this. Alone?! You didn't even look in pain," Xiaojun asked the older.

"Haha. I'm good at hiding stuff," Jungwoo responded looking out the window.

"That sometimes isn't a good thing. It's good to let your emotions out," Xiaojun said looking at Jungwoo.

Jungwoo sighed, "Yeah... I know..."

"Anyways what do you want to name our child?" Hendery asked.

"You can name it," Xiaojun responded.

"How about... Shi Jian. Wong Shi Jian"

(I don't know Chinese names, I just used a generator lol sorry!)

"Hmm. I like that," Xiaojun giggled while the members cooed at his cuteness.

The next day it was time for Taeyong to get a scan done, "Lee Taeyong?" the front desk called.

"That's me," Taeyong said before pulling his boyfriends into the room with him.

"Hello, Taeyong. How do you feel today?"

"I'm feeling good actually. The morning sickness just stopped," Taeyong responded.

"That's good. You're looking very healthy if not a bit bigger, but in a good way of course," the lady said.

"I know," Taeyong giggled.

"Now this will be a bit cold," the lady said while placing the gel on top, moving the small roller on Taeyong's belly where the baby is.

"Oh! Looks like you're having twins! Congratulations!"

"Thank you miss," Taeyong said as he pecked his boyfriends one before the other.

"Would you like to know the gender?"

"Yes please," Taeyong replied.

"You will be having... 2 baby girls!"

"Yay!" Taeyong said as the lady rubbed off the gel with a paper towel.

"The babies are healthy in weight and remember now you should stop practising, especially with twins in there."

"Yes miss, thanks so much," Taeyong replied.

"Of course, now off you go!"

2 days later and Xiaojun returned home, "Omg!" WinWin said feeling all excited as Xiaojun passed the baby to WinWin.

The older was cooing at the baby, "Oh no the baby is in a weird position. I'll be right back," WinWin said, passing the baby back to its mother before taking off for the bathroom.

1 Week Later

Renjun had gotten more distant to his 2 alphas. It wasn't like they didn't like him. They were just all busy preparing for yet ANOTHER comeback. The oldest of the three was now 4 months and a week pregnant. He didn't know how to tell Jeno and Jaemin he was pregnant.

Renjun didn't know if he was scared or not. He's seen all the other members fine with telling their lovers but why did it feel different to him.

Renjun was starting to think his alphas didn't love him anymore but he didn't know that Jeno and Jaemin were actually always keeping an eye on him, making sure he was healthy and not overworking himself.

Today Jeno and Jaemin definitely knew something was wrong when Renjun's heat was supposed to arrive today and they both knew Renjun ran out of suppressants a while ago, "Renjun are you okay? Aren't you supposed to get your heat today?"

"I-I used suppressants. Don't worry about me," Renjun said.

Obviously Jaemin knew this was a lie, "Are you lying to me baby?"

"NO?! Why would I lie to you?

"Woah. Baby what's wrong? You're a little moody," Jeno said.

"You don't understand," Renjun muttered under his breath so his boyfriends wouldn't hear.

"What was that baby?" Jaemin asked.

"Nothing. I'm sorry. I'm just tired."

Jeno and Jaemin just left it there because they knew how mad Renjun gets when he's sleepy.

1 Week Later

NCT was now at practise and Ten, WinWin and Taeyong were sitting out because they were heavily pregnant. Renjun should've been sitting down too but he didn't. He forced himself to practise which he knew wasn't good for the baby or himself at all.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


hello! how are you guys?

i hope you enjoyed this chapter hehe :))

im kind of getting my inspiration back but at the same time exams are coming up again so i might lose it :(

i hate school-


i have no questions bye-

which was your favourite chapter so far? in furture books ill continue that kind of writing style or alike storyline.

ill see you guys in 4 days, bye :)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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