Chapter 2 | Overworked

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"I-I was scared," Xiaojun stuttered, afraid to look at the older in the eye.

The CEO chuckled, "No need to be scared. This is great! We can start giving more fan service and even better it'll be real. It's up to you guys to tell them about the child though."

"Ah yes sir thank you," Xiaojun said.

"And before you go!" the CEO called out, "no more practicing for you Mister Xiao. We don't want to hurt the baby, alright?"

"Yes sir! Thanks so much!"

"Always welcome. Don't be scared to tell me and tell that to the other members to," the CEO called out before they left, winking.

"Wow that was better than we expected," Hendery said, holding onto his boyfriends hand.

"Yeah..." Xiaojun sighed in relief, caressing his baby bump.

"Oh shoot Hendery!" Xiaojun shouted in realisation.

"What is it baby? Calm down,"

"We are going to be late to our scan and we already had to postpone it last month because we missed it!" Xiaojun said, slightly panicked.

"Oh shoot you're right. How could we be so forgetful!" Hendery responded, carrying Xiaojun bridal style towards the car.

Xiaojun giggled, "You know I can still run and aren't I heavy?"

"I rather you not run and you aren't heavy sweetie," Hendery responded, placing a kiss on Xiaojun's forehead.

10 minutes later, the couple had arrived just as their names were being called. Xiaojun hopped up on the bed in the room which was filled with alpha pheromones which slightly affected the small boy but it was alright since Hendery let out some calming ones.

The lady rolled up his long shirt, applying the cold gel onto his belly with the roller. The baby appeared on the black and white monitor next to them, "This is your child, congratulations!"

"Thank you," Xiaojun smiled.

"Would you like to know the gender or would you like it to be a surprise?" the lady asked in a warm voice.

Xiaojun hummed and looked at Hendery who responded with, "We'd like to know it now please."

"Okay sure! It's a boy!"

Xiaojun smiled and held onto Hendery's hand, "Yayyy. I'm so happy."

"Me too baby," Hendery said, placing a kiss on the shorter's forehead, making him giggle.

1 Week Later

Jungwoo was back to practise for the week after his 1 month and a half break. Jungwoo had entered the practise room the day NCT was supposed to have a break but Jungwoo had to catch up for his absence. Of course nobody knew why Jungwoo was away for so long except the members who tried to cover up for him.

Jungwoo had only told the CEO yesterday about the child and he was surprised the older approved. Now the choreographers and all the mangers and staff knew about the kid.

Some took it as a good thing which Jungwoo was grateful and lucky for but there were some who thought it was disgusting and that he should be out of the group but of course they hadn't said anything to his face yet.

The choreographer was very strict with Jungwoo in today private lesson though. Jungwoo was already tired from staying up countless nights looking after his and Lucas' child while Lucas was always busy at practise, earning money for the two.

"Sharper moves! To the left! Wrong position! Arm higher!" The choreographer calls out.

It had been 5 hours and Jungwoo was on the floor, panting, "Come on get up! You don't want to be a burden to the team after having a baby. You're letting everyone down."

Jungwoo felt his heart break. He didn't want to be a burden to the team so he nodded and bowed before starting again on the routine.

After another hour Jungwoo wasn't let out.

Not even to go eat lunch.

Jungwoo couldn't feel his legs anymore and he couldn't remember the choreo well.

He started becoming dizzy but ignored it as the choreographer pushed him to go harder.

He had never gone this hard even before his pregnancy days when he was mistreated. Another hour passed and Jungwoo was allowed to go home.

He didn't really know what to do though because he didn't want to walk in the heat and he felt so tired but he knew he needed to look after Kyungsoon and Yukhei, his big baby.

Jungwoo had managed to make it home after a 15-minute walk which didn't seem long but was very long especially in such heat.

When he entered the dorm he felt a large amount of dizziness come over him and the last thing he remembered was collapsing on the floor, his members, especially Yukhei running towards him until it went black.

Jungwoo had fainted and the rest of the members were very worried. His head was filled with sweat and his heart rate started to slow down.

Lucas carried the older in the car to a hospital while Johnny drove as fast as he could. Johnny didn't want to leave Ten at home but when he saw Jungwoo's state he did.

An hour later, Jungwoo woke up, "W-What happened?"

"Baby. Don't stress yourself out. You shouldn't be overworking especially when you just gave birth 1-2 months ago. You made me so worried," Lucas said, caressing the smaller's hair.

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double update, just as i promised!!!

i just hit 6k reads on Love Game and im so grateful, thank you so much!!!

have a nice day~ 

QotD- What time is it for you when i posted this?

(it's okay if you wish not to answer, it's just because i wnat to figure out a good time to post so you guys wont be asleep when i update haahahaha)

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