Chapter 11 | Too Young

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- jisung and chenle arent minors anymore but if you still feel uncomfortable with mpreg for them this is a warning before you start reading -

4 Hours Later

NCT was now done with practising and they were now all at home cuddling with their boyfriend(s).

"How are we going to tell them. Aren't we too young?" Chenle asked.

Chapter 11

"I don't know but just trust me. It'll be okay," Jisung replied.

Chenle and Jisung headed into Taeyong's room which was shared by Doyoung and Jaehyun. They were kissing when the two walked in, "oops-," Jisung said.

Taeyong groaned, "Come in. What do you want?"

"Uhh we just wanted to tell you something," Jisung said.

"What is it," Taeyong said rubbing his temples before drinking some water.

"Chenle's pregnant. And I'm the father."

Taeyong spit all his water out and started choking while his boyfriends calmed him down.

"YOU? GOT. MY. BABY. PREGNANT?!?!?" Taeyong shouted as he got out of his bed and grabbed a pan from under the bed and started chasing Jisung all around the house but the younger was faster since Taeyong was pregnant.

It wasn't that Taeyong was actually mad for getting Chenle pregnant, it was mostly because of his pregnancy hormones and mood swings, "Taeyong calm down! They're adults. They'll be fine," Jaehyun said.

"Taeyong be careful. The babies!" Doyoung told the older.

"Woah what's going on here," Ten said, rubbing his eyes. He had woken up at the sound of pans clashing and waddled to the kitchen.

"JISUNG GOT CHENLE PREGNANT," Taeyong said, more like shouted.

"HE WHAT!?!?!?! TO THE BABY?!?!?!" Ten screamed as he started speed walking after Jisung even though he knew it was no use.

Finally WinWin and Jungwoo came into the room and saved the day, "Ten you shouldn't be speed walking around! That isn't good for the baby," WinWin said while dragging the two omegas away from Jisung. From then on... you could say it was a peaceful night.

1 Month Later

"Renjun?..." Jeno called in a soft voice.

"Y-Yes?" Renjun asked.

"Jeno and I definitely know you're not okay. You've been sick most of the time and you always look pale. You're eating more than usual and you've gotten fatter, not that we care, we just know you hate gaining weight," Jaemin started.

"You also seem like you're in pain a lot, go to the bathroom a lot and try to get away from us as if you or we've done something wrong that would make us guilty," Jeno continued.

Renjun broke down into tears, "I'M SORRY IT'S SO HARD BEIGN PREGNANT."

"You're pregnant?" Jaemin asked.

"Why didn't you tell us baby?" Jeno said.

"How many months?" Jaemin asked.

"I-I-I don't know... and 5 ½ months" Renjun said but really he did know.

"Baby we know you're lying. About not knowing," Jaemin said.

"I-It's because when we talked about having a kid and you said you guys weren't ready. I guess I just felt embarrassed and scared," Renjun said still sobbing.

"Baby that's our fault we didn't use protection. Don't beat yourself up about it and we don't honestly mind," Jeno chuckled.

"Yeah," Jaemin said, "And you should also be resting."

"We'll always be here for you, okay? Don't even hide anything again," Jeno said.

"We love you," Jaemin said.

"Thank you and I love you both too," Renjun smiled before cuddling with his 2 boyfriends.

1 Week Later

"Renjun come on baby. We need to get an ultrasound," Jeno said.

"Okay coming," Renjun said, getting off the couch with Jaemin's help.

Once they were at the doctors they did all the tests including the revealing of the gender, "You're baby is perfectly healthy and if not you're a bit heavier which is good!"

"Thank you doc," Renjun said.

"Of course. Now be careful!"

"Who's baby is it though?" Jeno asked.

"I-I don't know," Renjun replied.

"I don't mind. We'll love the baby either way," Jaemin said.

"Yeah. We can get a DNA test once it's born," Renjun smiled.


.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

hello! chapter 11 here we are :))

uh this is so cringey- the next part i cant-


QotD: what is your favorite sport?

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

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