Chapter 15 | Another Child

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omg im actually so sorry ahhh eqjkndkjqwndkjq. i changed my profile, user and all that and i swear i had posted a message on my board(??) but it mightve not worked or smt. idk wattpad is being sh!tty or smt.

but this is me now. i used to be lilsunSH1Nee but sadly that era ended since i kind of moved away from bts and army. dont get me wrong i still love the boys but it started getting toxic and i started getting more into nct.

ive already changed all my book covers so i wont be changing them again without notice dont worry haha. anyways carrying on -->

just a warning: contains mpreg ofc. no exact details just mentioned of birth.

crap sorry for the double notif, i keep forgetting about the title smh-


"Ugh morning sickness sucks!"

"I know baby... It's okay. It'll stop in 3 weeks," Jisung replied.

Jisung sat down on the bathroom floor, his back leaning against the wall while Chenle sat between his legs.

2 Weeks Later

Today Chenle and Jisung were going to find out the gender of their baby.

"Interesting..." the doctor said.

"Is there something.. wrong?" Chenle asked.

"No. Nothing's wrong! It's actually great!"

"What is it?" Chenle asked as he held onto Jisung's arm.

"You're having twins!"


"Yes! A boy and a girl! Congratulations! I hope to see you soon! Stay healthy. You're underweight for twins."

Jisung and Chenle went outside. The two were now sitting at a lonely park. There was a comfortable silence for a while before Chenle said, "I don't think I can do this."

Jisung held onto Chenle's hands and looked him in the eye, "I know you can do it. All your hyungs have done it so you can do it too. I know you. You're just as strong."

"This is different. I'm having twins at such a young age."

"As I said you can do it. I love you so much and I love you because you're strong. Because you're my everything and if anything happens to you I'd die for it."

Chenle giggled then sighed before saying thanks and an I love you back to Jisung.

"Can we get ice-cream?" Chenle asked.

Jisung chuckled at Chenle's mood swing and craving for food, "Of course baby. Anything for you."

1 Month and 3 Weeks Later

Taeyong had officially given birth as he came back from the hospital, holding two cute babies.

"Oh my gosh!" Jungwoo cooed.

"How are you feeling?" Ten asked.

"Good but a bit tired," Taeyong said while grinning and then pouting.

"What did you name them?" WinWin asked.

"This one is the older one, Doyoung's, and we named it Kim Eun Hee. This one is Jaehyun's and we called it Jung Mee Kyong," Taeyong said as his two whipped boyfriends just grinned like idiots behind him.

"What surname are you going by then?" Haechan teased, caressing his big bump.

"Haha. I think I'll stick with Lee Taeyong," he said as his boyfriends pouted.

Soon Taeyong's children started crying, "Well that's my cue to go."

"Good luck!" Jungwoo said, knowing how hard it was and still is with newborn children that just wake you up in the middle of the night because of their cries.

"Thanks!" Taeyong shouted while walking up the stairs.

Renjun stood up, "Shit. I think my water broke."

Everyone looked panicked (especially Jeno and Jaemin), except Renjun. He seemed calm for an awkward reason, "Positivity and calmness is key," Renjun thought.

Then a contraction came over the smaller as he screamed.

Screw it. He wasn't going to stay positive.

"Jesus shit this hurts as fuck."

"I know I know. Let's go," Jeno said a Jaemin picked up the older and placed him in the car.

6 hours later Renjun had finally given birth. The baby was put in to a special care because it was too small although it was quite strange since Renjun was quite overweight (not in a bad way) for someone who was carrying a single child, "Shit is it still supposed to hurt?" Renjun asked.

Jeno and Jaemin looked at each other with wide eyes. Were they right? They swear they saw another small, squirmy creature on the day they did the ultrasound.

The doctor did a quick test, "Okay Renjun stay calm but you're having twins."


"I said stay calm. You'll be okay. Jeno and Jaemin... I'm afraid you'll have to leave this room," the doctor said.

Jeno and Jaemin both wished Renjun luck before leaving the room.

"HOW DO I STAY CALM WHEN I'M HAVING TWINS AND I'M ONLY AWARE OF ONE- AHHHHHHHH" another painful contraction came over Renjun.

"Okay Renjun. We're going to do what we did before but it should be a bit quicker."


Renjun's screams were able to be heard from outside which made Jeno and Jaemin feel guilty for the older.

"I wonder how Taeyong felt giving birth to two girls. Jesus 1 is already enough for me," Renjun said.

This time it only took 2 hours for the birth to take place, "I'm glad this is over."

The doctor chuckled while passing the baby to another nurse so it could also be put in a special care unit with Renjun's other child. 


Renjun was now relaxed and about to sleep when... he felt a now familiar pain come to him, "DON'T TELL ME-" 


*:..。o○  ○o。..:*

wow this is so unrealistic im dying kjbndkjbdkjbqwkjwbdkjwqnd

i hope you guys are having a good day so far :)

what is your favourite new song from nct dream?


hello future

life is still going on

i honestly cant choose ahh kjndkjqnkjdnqk 

i recently changed my book covers and stuff and i have gotten so much more reads and stuff. im so grateful thank you so much <3

an even bigger thank you to those here from the beginning.

i'll see you guys in another 4 days! :))

*:..。o○  ○o。..:*

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