Chapter 7 | Pale

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"Baby why are you so hot?" Kun asked, cutting off YangYang.

"I don't know. I-It's really hot," YangYang said as he cuddled closer to Kun smelling his scent gland.

"Baby are you in heat?"


"Do you want help or are you okay?"

"Want you," YangYang hummed.


Johnny and Yuta were stuck with 2 pregnant males and a kid while they were shopping. Yuta and Johnny were waiting outside the babies shop while WinWin and Ten were shopping for clothes and other baby stuff.

Jungwoo also came along because he wanted to help them get stuff. Jungwoo was carrying Wong Kyungsoon in a pouch attached to the clothes in front of him.

It had been a full hour and of course the alphas were bored. They were just about to leave them at the shops when their two mates ran out of the shop and tumbled on top of them, "Johnnyyyy~ I want to cuddle," Ten pouted.

"Same," WinWin looked at Yuta, still straddling on top of him.

"When we get home baby," Johnny chuckled.

"What he said," Yuta responded, too tired to even be bothered.

"AhEm! I'm still here you lovers," Jungwoo interrupted, feeling very single all of a sudden.

"Why didn't you call Lucas to come then," Yuta said.

"I-" Jungwoo blushed.

They all headed home and the 3 couples cuddled, including Jungwoo and Lucas in which the omega was just feeling clingy.

1 Week Later

Kun woke up to the sound of someone puking. He entered the bathroom, not finding YangYang around him, "Baby, are you okay?- HOLY CRAP."

YangYang looked at the older weakly as he came behind YangYang and back hugged him.

"I'm okay now that you're here," YangYang said before turning pale again and throwing up in the toilet bowl.

"YangYang you're not okay. We're going to stay at home and we can go to the hospital later," Kun suggested.

"Nooo. I NEED to go to practise Kun-ge. I'm already far behind and-and."

"Baby you're SICK! You need rest!"

"Pleaseeeeeeeeee. I promise if I feel any worse I'll sit down," YangYang pleaded, giving the older puppy eyes.

Kun sighed, "Fine."

All 18 boys (excluding Jungwoo because he's taking care of his child. Xiaojun, Ten and WinWin are sitting in the side-lines watching) started practising. An hour passed and YangYang felt a bit faint, "YangYang, are you okay? You're looking a little pale," Ten asked the younger as he ran to the bin in the corner and threw up.

Kun help the boy in his arms and rubbed his back, comforting the younger.

"YangYang... are you... pregnant?" WinWin asked.

"N-No," YangYang replied.

"But you have the symptoms," Taeyong continued.


how can YangYang be pregnant?


hello! im so sorry for not posting when i was supposed to. im getting so much homework :(

im going to try as soon as possible to continue writing my next chapters~

check in: how are you guys today?

ill see you in a couple days when i have the motivation to post :)


what is your favourite snack? (i know it's very random)

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