further notes

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hello again!

thank you for all the support on this book, "Game Over." i was initially going to write a third story for the weddings and children when they were older BUT:

1. i suck at writing wedding details because I haven't been to one before and no offense I feel like it'll be boring if I write about 10 different weddings. (since im not that creative in wedding stuffz)

2. i don't really know what my story line will be for the kids because I had an idea for my next book which would be too similar to the one I was thinking to write for the kids.

3. i don't really want to incorporate too much of the kids lives because this is supposed to be an nct story and I'm afraid I'll get too carried away.

4. i've kind of lost interest in this story. (it's been a long ass ride-)

although i might come back to this series to write a third book if i'm in the mood but i want to try some other stuff too.

i hope you understand <3 

before i move on to my next point. throughout a lot of my books people have asked for more moments for some ships. im really sorry about that especially the fact in this book i think sungtaro, chensung and kunyang didn't appear much. it's really hard writing about so many ships in just a single book imo.


about my next book.

i'm going to start posting chapters every 3-4 days in 1-2 months like the break in between love game and game over.

this is because

1. it'll give me a chance to study and finish my exams and hopefully get good marks.

2. it'll give me a chance to have a break off writing especially since as you can see the last part of the book seemed very rushed.

3. it'll give me a chance to think of better storylines for my future books. it can also give me time to really think about ideas and themes incorporated.

i feel really bad but i hope you guys can wait haha.

i dont understand how some writers can keep posting books one after another or write like 3 at the same time like it's already hard enough with 1 book for me- all my respect to you people

im thinking my next book will be just as dramatic but more soft and fluffy if you know what i mean (spoiler for the theme).

again thank you so much for all the support. ive got 11k reads on love game and 2k reads on game over. thank you so much kjsdnkwndlql. i have no words.

i'll try stay active on this platform and interact every now and then but i wont be posting sadly.

make sure to follow me for updates <3

i'll see you guys soon <3

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