Chapter 8 | Happy Except 1

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"I-I can't be- Kun used protection last time we had sex," YangYang said feeling embarrassed while he rested in Kun's lap, the older stroking his hair and the rest of the members surrounding him.

"YangYang... you know you can still get pregnant. The condom could've been broken or faulty," Xiaojun said, coming closer and hugging his best friend.

YangYang hummed, "Maybe."

Ten grabbed something out of his bad, "Here take this."

"Why do you have a pregnancy test in your bag?" YangYang asked.

"I- Don't ask. You know one of my friends may need it one time," Ten responded.

"Oh okay then thank you," YangYang said bowing and heading off to the bathroom.



"If you are pregnant I'm sorry. I want to let you know that I'll always be here or you and the baby though. I'll be the best father I could be," Kun said.

"Don't need to be sorry. I actually want a child. It's just that we're both still quite young... and idols... but that doesn't really matter," YangYang said with a forced smile because he needed to puke again.

15 minutes later, YangYang took the test and was awaiting results, "I think we should check now baby. Are you ready?"

"Yesss," YangYang replied.

They flipped over the white stick. Two red lines. YangYang was so excited and jumped onto Kun who held him tightly and kissed his face, "I'm so happy."

"Same," Kun replied.

The two both entered the practise room again as WinWin ran over to the 2 chinese members, Ten not far behind but walking, "WinWin calm down! Our baby," Yuta scolded.

"Sorry Yuta!" WinWin replied as the other members laughed at his cuteness, "Are you?..."

YangYang nodded.

The group shouted and held a mini celebration which was dancing to Red Velvet's Psycho. Some of them were a bit wild like Lucas and Hendery who were twerking.

"Hendery! What one Earth are you doing!" Xiaojun giggled, watching his crackhead boyfriend.

"We're partying!" Hendery said, before sitting down and lifting Xiaojun to sit in his lap.

Everyone was happy partying except for one person. 

Yes, he was happy for YangYang but it reminded him of something. 

Something that he didn't want to happen. 

Something unexpected.

Flashback 1 ½ Month Ago

"Renjunnie are you okay?" Jaemin asked while Renjun was puking in the bathroom.

"Yeah," Renjun said.

He felt like puking again but he held it in. It had been a full week since Renjun started puking but Jeno and Jaemin didn't really notice because everyone was busy.

Renjun added up all the possible reasons why he could be acting like this but he didn't know, 'I better go to the doctors in case it's anything too bad.

"Renjun?" the receptionist called.

"That's me," Renjun replied.

"So what's your concern today mister Huang,"

"You can just call me Renjun but recently I've been feeling very sick and tired. Sometimes I-I yell at my boyfriends and I don't mean to..." The younger said guiltily.

"Hmm I have some suspicions. Are you an omega by any chance?"


"I think I need to take a urine sample," the doctor explained.

"Oh okay--sure," Renjun said as he exit before re-entering the room with the cup.

The doctor did all sorts of tests before printing out a sheet, "Congratulations, Renjun! You're 2 weeks pregnant!"


"It's a good thing! Good luck! I prescribed you some pills to stop puking. Make sure to be healthy and ABSOULTELY DO NOT stress yourself or overwork yourself as that's bad for the baby."

"U-Uh thank you," Renjun replied before exiting the hospital.

He was now crying outside the hospital 'how am I supposed to tell Jeno and Jaemin.

End Of Flashback

You might wonder why is Renjun is crying even if Jeno and Jaemin are the parents. It isn't as simple as that. Renjun wasn't ready. How was he supposed to tell his boyfriends. His boyfriends would be disappointed... won't they? 


after what they said that day...

° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °


ew this is so cringey bye-


what is an unpopular kpop opinion you have? (please respect everyone's opinions!!)

° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °

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