Chapter 16 | Not 1 But 3

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"Oops. Sorry honey you're having a 3rd baby," the nurse said as they were getting ready to take out another child.

"Jesus. Let's just get this over and done with," Renjun said between a contraction.

This time the baby was out in an hour and Renjun felt so tired. Jeno and Jaemin entered the room, "Are you okay baby?" Jaemin spoke.

"Yeah..." Renjun said.

"You must be so tired," Jeno said.

"Yeah..." Renjun said before falling asleep, his two boyfriends next to him.

1 Day Later

It was a day later and the three boys woke up, "We should probably name out kids before we forget and they become no name," Jeno chuckled.

"Yeah," Renjun said with a little giggle.

A DNA test was done on all the children and 2 were Jeno's, the other baby was Jaemin's, "We should all pick a name since we have 3 children," Jaemin decided.

"Yesss," Renjun replied.

The doctor came into the room a couple minutes later, "Are you guys ready to pick a name?"


"Lee Kang Dae, one who is mighty and strong," Jeno said.

"Beautiful," Renjun said.

"Na Han Eul," Jaemin said.

"I love it," Renjun said, "Huang Xi Feng."

"Wow that sounds so delicate," Jaemin said as Renjun chuckled.

After the three boys took care of the babies they were taken back to special care until the next day.

(i used a generator again, sorry)

The Next Day

The rest of the members filed into the room Renjun was in to meet their baby, or now, babies, "What! How come there are 3!!" Taeyong said while hugging the younger, "Are you hurt? Are you okay? Did they give you someone else's child?"

"No!!! I'm fine Taeyong don't worry. Jeno just has a strong ass sperm."

"I don't think that's something we should be talking about in front of all our friends baby," Jeno said while squeezing Renjun's ass a bit as he whimpers.

"Guys not here," Taeyong said, rolling his eyes. Looking at the kids he says, "There are babies who don't appreciate this here."

Jeno rolled his eyes back.

1 Week Later

"NCT MEETING! ALL NCT PARTICIPANTS MEET ME IN THE LIVING ROOM," Taeyong's voice echoed from the speakers around the house, also waking up some of the children as Taeyong completely forgot.

"What is it Taeyong? You just woke Wong Kyungsoon up," Jungwoo said, rubbing his temples.

"I know I know. I'm sorry," Taeyong said.

"I just wanted to confirm a couple things for the concert we will be doing in 1 month and 3 weeks. I recommend Donghyuck you sit out or not come because you would've just given birth by this time but you could join in our last couple performances, YangYang you should also stay home because your due date will be a week from then," Taeyong started.

"Okay," Donghyuck said.

"Noo! Taeyong please! Let me be on the stage!" YangYang said.

"What if something happens to you? I'll be to blame!" Taeyong said.

"I promise if anything happens it'll be my fault plus all you guys will be there and I'm sure the fans are willing to do the concert another day. They already know I'm pregnant," YangYang pleaded with baby eyes while caressing his tummy.

"Fine Fine!" Taeyong said, giving into the younger.

"I think Chenle and Shotaro you should be fine to be on stage but not perform with us. And of course Renjun! You can sit out if you want because you don't know the choreography... well I mean you've seen us do it you just haven't practised it," Taeyong said.

"I'm willing to learn it in this period of time," Renjun said, determined.

"Fine! Fine!" Taeyong said again, "And if you're wondering we're only promoting in South Korea due to YangYang being heavily pregnant during this time being and because of the babies. It's up to you whether you decide to give your baby or babies to your parents, leave them at home or bring them with us of course under the eye of some babysitters or friends."

"Okay now that's sorted you can all go off and do your own things," Taeyong managed to say over the crying children, "Jeez that was chaotic"

His two boyfriends chuckling at his cuteness.

1 Month Later

Shotaro was now 4 months in and the couple was now getting to know the gender of their soon to be newborn.

"Okay Shotaro I'm going to place cold gel on your stomach," the nurse said slowly with actions so the Japanese would understand.

Shotaro nodded his head, "Congratulations! Your newborn is a..."

"゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤  ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚"

what gender do you think Taro's baby will be?

anyways this chapter was super cringe so kjdbskjbdkj

if you're bored and looking for books to read, you can look under my profile and maybe read some books i recommend.

i'm very picky with the types of books i like so there won't be many.

"interesting" books are books i havent read but look good to read.

"favourites" are ones that i recommend and have read.

and finally "oneshots" which is just oneshots.

enjoy reading!

see you in 4 days !! <3

"゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤  ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚"

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