Chapter 3 | Symptoms

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"I'm sorry. I-I didn't want to be a burden to the team," Jungwoo said feeling slightly emotional.

"Hey you'll never be a burden to the team. Do you know how much the members love our child. They now how hard pregnancy is. They'll understand," Lucas continued as Jungwoo just hummed in agreeance.

"Now don't do that ever again okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," Jungwoo replied in his cute uwu tone.

Meanwhile At Home

Taeyong felt even more worried. He wanted a child for sure but he was scared because he didn't want to faint or go through so much pain. He hated seeing Jungwoo in that condition to the point he had to go to the hospital.

Doyoung and Jaehyun could practically hear Taeyong thinking so they walked up to the older, "Taeyong I can hear you thinking," Doyoung said while chuckling.

"You don't need to worry baby Jungwoo will be fine," Jaehyun said.

Taeyong nodded. If only he could tell them what he was actually thinking about. Don't get him wrong, Taeyong is worried for Jungwoo, the older just had a lot on his mind.

The Next Morning

Taeyong woke up the next morning, looking at his 2 angel boyfriends on both sides of him. He starred at their faces before a wave of nausea came over him. He ran to the bathroom before throwing up immediately in the toilet bowl.

His boyfriends immediately got up and rubbed his back, "Are you alright Taeyong?" Jaehyun asked.

"Yeah. I think I ate something bad. I forgot to check the expiry date of the ramen I secretly had yesterday. It could've gone bad."

"You had ramen yesterday? Without us?!" Jaehyun asked.

"Oops sorry," Taeyong mumbled a bit in guilt.

"Haha baby don't be sorry," Doyoung said while planting a kiss on Taeyong's forehead while Jaehyun kissed Taeyong's cheek.

A Couple Days Later

Taeyong had been puking for the last couple days, making his boyfriends very worried, "Taeyong you should go to a doctor. Come on we'll take you," Doyoung said.

"No, I'm just sick," Taeyong said, insisting his boyfriends that he was okay.

Jaehyun looked at Doyoung who looked back at him before saying, "Fine. But if this happens for the next couple days we're taking you to the doctor."

"Fine," Taeyong groaned, before putting his head in the toilet bowl getting ready to puke again as another wave of nausea came over him.

At practise that day, the group was working hard on their choreo getting ready for the comeback stages in a week. NCT was pretty much set and had clean lines, even Jungwoo who learnt the dance in so little time which was a pure sight.

After an hour Taeyong already felt tired and hungry, "Hmm I'm tired and hungry. Can we take an hour break?" Taeyong asked as the choreographer nodded.

Taeyong went out to buy some ramen and other stuff to fulfill his cravings while the rest of the members just grabbed water or went to the vending machine.

Taeyong came back with his food and started eating. He was eating ramen with avocado and beef jerky. What a weird combination. Taeyong started mixing the avocado into the ramen like it was wasabi and sushi and put it in his mouth humming at the good taste.

"Taeyong hyung are you okay? You usually don't get tired nor hungry easily and you're eating weird food combinations," Yukhei asked, kind of concerned for their leader.

"Um yeah I feel perfectly fine," Taeyong responded while stuffing his mouth with more food.

Ten and WinWin looked at each other as they mind-linked, "WinWin I think Taeyongie hyung is pregnant. I mean he has all the symptoms."

"Yeah," WinWin responded.

Even though they had some suspicions they both kept quiet, not wanting to disturb the leader.

Mark suddenly came into the practise room with some boiled eggs that he wanted to eat. At the smell Taeyong turned to his side and puked.

Doyoung and Jaehyun rushed over to their boyfriend and Mark held Donghyuck's hand and exited backwards, out of the practise room.

"Taeyong, you're definitely not okay," Doyoung said.

"No, don't worry. I just threw up because the avocado was bad. It was the last one," Taeyong pouted.

Both boyfriends looked at each other very sceptical, "Are you sur-" Jaehyun started before getting cut off by Taeyong.

"Do you not trust me?" Taeyong asked getting teary for no reason.

"Yes of course I do baby I was just worried," Jaehyun said calming the younger and placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I think I'm going to go rest at home. It's too loud and I want to be cosy in bed. You guys can keep practising without me," Taeyong said.

Jaehyun and Doyoung were about to come with him but they stopped and just let Taeyong have some time by himself.

Taeyong was in bed at the dorms and watching some Netflix. He thought about recent events that had happened to him.

He knew these were all signs of pregnancy so he took at emergency kit from under his bathroom cabinet. He took the test and waited.

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hello! do you guys think Taeyong is pregnant? Or is it a false alarm?

i hope you guys have an amazing day! see you in 4 days 

QotD: What is/are your favourite(s) song(s) in Dream's new album?

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