Chapter 4

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Adam's POV

It was Friday, aka me and Lexi's date. I was surprised when she agreed but happy nonetheless. I told Guy and Charlie about the date and i also apologized for yelling at them, they told me that it was wrong of them to judge her and that she does seem like a nice girl. The boys came over to my house to help me get ready for the date. I had to pick Lexi up at her dorm room at 7 and it was currently 6:00. I was currently freaking out and trying to do my hair 27353725 different ways because i wanted everything to be perfect. I knew she didn't like me too much and i didnt want to mess up the only chance I had. Guy and Charlie were making fun of how stressed i was about this and they kept saying, "Adam and Lexi sitting in a tree." I just rolled my eyes and kept getting ready. "Should i bring her something, like flowers, or jewelry?" Charlie and Guy looked at each other and laughed, i'm just gonna take that as a no. Then I went into the washroom and changed into a nice suit, I left the washroom and Guy and Charlie looked at me and said, "Ok you're in love... nobody would ever wear a suit that nice on a first date if they werent." I just laughed and checked the time. 6:58. "Shit, gotta go bye" I said before running out of the door because I didn't want to be late.

I got to her dorm room at 7:02, I was sweating and my hair was probably a mess. I knocked on the door and Lexi opened it looking sad, but when she saw me her face lightened a bit and she said, "I told you not to be late. I thought you werent gonna show." I felt bad that i was late but she said it while laughing so i assumed she wasn't mad, "Sorry i was stressing out about flowers and suit and Guy and Charlie distracted me and i didnt notice the time so then i ran here and i feel so bad im sorry." She just looked at me and I heard giggling coming from behind her then she opened her door all the way, to show Connie and Julie laughing at me. I looked down, blushing because I was embarrassed. "Wow you really really like her banks, don't you?" Julie said. I rolled my eyes and looked at Lexi and said, "Shall we get out of here?" She linked her arm with mine and said, "yes, yes we shall." Then she waved bye to Connie and we walked to the place I got us dinner reservations at. Once we got there I pulled her chair out for her and sat across from her. She sat down and thanked me and said, "You know banks, I didn't think you could be such a gentlemen." I smirked at her and said, "there's a lot of things you don't know about me Lex." "Hm's new but i like it." She said smiling. She always looked so beautiful when she smiled. "You look amazing." i said looking at her like she was the only thing in the world. She smiled and said, "Why thank you kind sir, you don't look too bad yourself."

We continued on our date talking about school and what not, but all i could think about was how bad i wanted to kiss her right now. She was just so beautiful and it was like she had me under some kind of spell i couldn't keep my eyes off of her and quite frankly i didn't really want to. She was talking about how she tried playing hockey when she was younger, and then she fell on the ice because she couldn't skate. Then I got an idea, I paid the bill while she was yelling at me to let her pay it and then we left the restaurant. Then I told her I had a surprise. She kept asking what it was but I refused to tell her. Once we got to the rink by my house she said, "you better not be thinking what i think you are." I just smiled and grabbed her hand pulling her near the ice. I looked at her and she looked kinda scared. She said, "I don't have any skates." I laughed and said, "Or are you just scared?" She looked at me and said, "yea whatever." Then I said, "are you a size 7?" She nodded and I passed her Connie's skate because she texted me saying I could use them on the way here. We both got our skates on and Lexi looked terrified. "Hey it's ok i'm here, i will protect you and i won't let you fall." She looked at me and said, "Promise?" I looked at her and stuck my pinky out, because no matter how old I get I will always keep a pinky promise.

Once we started skating it was pretty much just her squeezing my hand while i dragged her around the ice but i didn't mind because i classified it as her holding my hand. As we kept skating her hands grip started to loosen and I was kinda sad about the loss of contact but I didn't say anything. Then she started skating on her own. I saw her about to fall and quickly grabbed her, she ended up in my arms looking up at me. Then my feeling about wanting to kiss her grew so i decided i was going to try. I leaned in and she did too. Then right as our lips were about to connect she turned her head resulting in me kissing her cheek. She smiled at me and said, "Not so fast cake-eater." while skating away. I skated after her trying to hide the fact that I was disappointed we didn't kiss. After a while I caught up to her and we agreed that it was getting late so we walked back to the dorms. As we were walking there a boy came up to us and said, "Hey Lexi, I missed you tonight." And then glared at me, then i was kinda confused so i turned to Lexi and she said, "I'm sure. Bye Tommy." Then she pulled me away. I kept walking and I was debating asking her who it was but I didn't want to be nosey. "That was my twin brother, Tommy." She said. I sighed with relief that it wasn't like her ex or something and then we kept walking.

We arrived at her dorm room and I still wanted to kiss her. She thanked me for the awesome date and then I was debating trying to kiss her again but I didn't want to be embarrassed then she went on her tippy toes and plated a small kiss on my cheek. "Thanks for tonight Adam." She said while walking into her room. I just stood there frozen. She kissed me. Lexi Riley kissed ME. Then I heard girls squealing and I tried to listen. I heard Connie ask, "So are you guys dating?" Then I heard Lexi say, "No. We went on a date but he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend or anything." I sighed cursing at myself for being stupid and not asking her to be my girlfriend. "Did you kiss?" Julie asked. Then Lexi giggled and said, "We were going to and then I turned my head. But when he dropped me off I kissed his cheek. God her giggle makes my heart stop. I shouldve asked her to be my girlfriend how could i be so stupid. Then Connie asked, "so, why did you turn your head when he tried to kiss you?" I got closer to the door, because I wanted to hear the answer to this as well. "Because the last person i did this stuff with broke my heart and I'm afraid Adam will too." Lexi said in a sad tone. I felt so bad, but i was also kind of upset that because of that guy she's scared I'm going to break her heart. All i know is that if i ever meet this guy i will kill him. Then I walked off to my house and texted Lexi goodnight once I got into bed.

I went to sleep and the only thing running through my mind was her and the guy that broke her heart.

Make you mine-Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now