Chapter 7

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Lexi's POV

It's been a few weeks since I went to Adam's game. The ducks have a game in a few hours and I told them that I would be there. Julie left our dorm room a while ago so they could get ready and practice. Right as I finished getting ready I heard my phone go off. I assumed it was Adam because he started texting me every hour to check on me ever since we bumped in to Troy. But instead it was Julie. She texted me and said, "LEXI! The ducks need help. Your jerk of a boyfriend stole all of our equipment. Bring us whatever you can find." I was surprised that Adam would do something like that, so I assumed it was the whole varsity team. Then as i was rushing to the game with our school extra equipment, i bumped into the varsity team. But I realised that they were all there except Adam. Then I was upset because that meant that it really was Adam. I figured i would talk about it with him later because it didn't sound like him. I finally got to the locker room and everyone on the ducks thanked me for bringing them equipment. I was sweating from carrying two massive bags of hockey equipment and then I walked up into the seating section to get ready to watch the game.

Once I walked over to my seat I saw the varsity team high fiving Adam. I just rolled my eyes, then he looked over at me smiling and waved. I am so mad at him for doing that to his friends. It's like i don't even know who he is anymore and I don't like it, so I just rolled my eyes and ignored him. He looked a mix of hurt and confused but right now I was too mad to care. I figured if he turned on his friends for the varsity team he would definitely turn on me. The game continued and I felt Adams eyes on me the whole time. Scooter looked at me with a questioning look because he knew about me and Adam, but I just shook my head telling him it's nothing even though I knew he wouldn't believe me. He was like another older brother but if i needed to talk about family he was there. I almost sometimes wished he was my actual brother instead of Rick because Rick can be..well something that starts with d and rhymes with his name. If you know what I mean.

The game ended in a win for the ducks/warriors, 5-2 even though they had to use extra equipment that they haven't broken in yet. I rushed over to the changeroom to avoid my brother and his new little freshman minion, a.k.a my boyfriend. I knew Adam was going to try and talk to me because of how he's been acting lately and I also knew that Rick would be mad that they won. I was standing outside waiting for them to finish getting their equipment off until Adam came up to me. "Hey, is everything ok? You seemed really annoyed with me earlier." I just rolled my eyes while sarcastically laughing and walking over to the JV locker room. Coach Orian already left which I was thankful for because he is scary. Then I knocked on the door. Julie opened it and thanked me for helping them out and then I said, "Can i come sit in here to avoid you know who?" Julie looked behind me to see Adam and immediately pulled me into the locker room. I thanked her and congratulated the team for their win. They all thanked me and Charlie seemed to finally do something except me. I was glad that we could put our differences aside and I was glad he stopped being moody.

Once Julie was finally out of her hockey gear, me, her and Connie all walked out of the changeroom. Adam was still standing there leaning against a wall and when he looked up at me we made eye contact he ran right up to me and said, "lexi, i don't know what i did but please talk to me. I can't stand it when you're mad at me." I looked deep into his eyes and all I could feel was disappointment. I was disappointed that he did that to his friends. And disappointed that the varsity team was praising him for it. "Look Adam, I know you're on varsity now but what you did wasn't cool. The ducks are your friends, it's like I don't even know who you are anymore. The Adam I agreed to date wouldn't have done this. I'm not sure if it has bad influences or what it needs but fix it. Now." i said and then walked away like a bad bitch. He yelled, "what are you talking about?" And Julie yelled, "We have cameras dingbat." Then we turned a corner before Adam could say anything else.

Me, Julie and Connie were sitting in me and Julie's dorm room talking. "I just can't believe Adam did that to you guys, maybe i was right about him after all." Connie and Julie looked over at each other in shock when I said that and tried to convince me that he's still a good person. I felt betrayed even though it wasn't me who got equipment taken and it wasn't me who used to be his team mate. Then we heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Adam looking at me with an apologetic look. Adam said, "Can you please just give me a minute to explain?" I sighed and said, "Fine, a minute starts now." He looked behind me at Julie and Connie who both had their arms crossed. "Alone please." He said I rolled my eyes and walked into the hallway closing the door behind me. Adam said, "Look lexi i'm sorry about betraying you and the ducks i know you're mad at me but i only did it because the varsity team kept saying that i needed to prove myself and then they called me taking the ducks hockey gear initiation so i did  it because i didn't want them to beat me up and get me kicked out of the school." I looked at him and said, "Fine, I forgive you cake-eater." He smiled and said, "I'm still going to make it up to you." You laughed and said, "ok" and then walked into the hotel room.

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