Chapter 21

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Adam's POV
I'm so happy that Lexi and I are talking again, I was going to start writing letters again. When I got into art Guy and Charlie were both talking about something. When I walked over to the table they both grinned at me and Guy said, "Sooo... Adam, what's making you so happy?" I smiled and said, "Well Lexi's talking to me again so that's why." Then Charlie looked at me and said, "Are you sure that's all?" I blushed and said, "Well, i may have rambled a bit about how much I loved her and that I regret the dance and how stupid I am and then, she kind of maybe might have kissed me. But I don't know what it means because then she walked away. The entire English class I kept smiling at her and she kept smiling back. I just want to be with her again but I know I need to earn her trust so that's what I'm gonna do." Then Guy and Charlie both looked at me in shock and simultaneously said, "She kissed you?" I smiled and nodded and Charlie said, "Adam she must really love you. Lexi Riley forgives no one. Not even family."

Charlie saying that got me thinking. Does Lexi still love me? Then I just sat through art class bored out of my mind waiting for gym. Once art ended I headed to Gym. When I got to gym I saw Lexi talking to Phillips. If o could I would kill him. Lexi looked over at me and smiled, I smiled back and Phillips gave me a glare that I decided to just ignore. While we were waiting for the bell to tell us class is starting the office had an announcement.

"Can Lexi Riley please come to the office? Can Lexi Riley please come to the office?" Everyone turned to her and started saying stuff like, "ouuu she's in troubleee" She just laughed and walked to the office.

Once she left I turned to Phillips he just smirked and waved. I walked over to him and said, "What's your deal?" He said, "Nothing I just don't like you. But I do like your EX girlfriend." That made me mad but I knew that's what he was trying to do so I just ignored it and said, "Soon to be girlfriend again." Phillips chuckled and said, "Not if I gave anything to do with it," I quickly brogpught my hand up to his face and punched him right in the eye. We started fighting and the gym teacher had to pull us apart.

Once he pulled us apart he asked me, "What were you thinking? This school does NOT tolerate violence." I just huffed and said, "It's just drama. That was out of pocket. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry it won't happen again." That was the fakest thing I've ever said. He nodded and said, "As for you Phillips. Stop antagonizing Banks, I know you."

Once gym class ended I walked to the office to wait for Lexi or see where she is. When I got there I saw her talking to someone. I walked up to her and she said, "Oh hey Adam. I was showing around our new student. His name is..."

A.N-And that my friends is all my brain can do tonight...I'm also trying to make my paragraphs shorter but still write the same amount. Not including this chapter because it's being written on an iPad.

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