Chapter 20

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Adam's POV

I feel like shit. It's been exactly a month since the dance. Our hockey season is over and Lexi still isn't talking to me. I barely sleep and barely shower. My grades are dropping and the only people I talk to are the ducks. Varsity has started leaving us alone because we beat them and Lexi still talks to the ducks all the time. Luis keeps telling me to try and move on but I know he's not the best person to listen to anymore. I got my cast off, which is good but now Lexi doesn't have a reason to be around me other than in our classes and when we're both with the ducks. I can't live with myself. I can't believe I did that to her. I'm such a horrible person especially with Elsie, the girl she thought I wanted to cheat on her with when we were together. Everyone keeps trying to get us to talk again but they always say Lexi just ignored them. I need her back. She makes me happy.

I was wearing sweats and a hoodie. I didn't care how I looked, I just didn't try anymore. When I walked into english I saw Lexi looking gorgeous as always. I smile at her and she just rolls her eyes. That happens everyday but I deserve it. I saw Lexi and she turned to Julie. Julie gives me a sympathetic smile and starts talking to Lexi. I just put my head down on my desk and cry. I don't like crying but if you lost the love of your life you would cry too. I know everything I did was wrong but I never thought it would make Lexi this mad. Her and Julie kept talking and I heard one of them say my name. I looked up a bit and saw both of them looking at me. I just put my head back down.

Lexi's POV

Adam looked horrible. Like not in a bad way but he looked really depressed. He didn't look happy at all. I felt a bit bad but he had it coming. Then Julie nudged me. I looked over at her and she said, "You have to let him explain Lexi. Look at him, he looks horrible. Adam really loves you. I know what he did was wrong but he obviously had a reason for it." We both looked over at him and he looked up. When I saw his face his eyes were red like he'd been crying and he looked like he hadn't slept in forever. I felt bad, maybe I should talk to him to let him explain. It's not like we were dating anyways. The entire Math class Adam had his head on his desk the only time he didnt as when the teacher asked him a question. The bell rang and me and Julie walked out. When we were walking out I gave Adam a small smile and his face immediately lit up. It made me happy that smiling at him made him happy. I don't know what Adam Banks is doing to me but I know that I will always love him.

I started walking to my locker and saw Adam. I walked over to him and said, "Hi..Adam..." He looked up at me and said, "Um. Hey Lexi. How have you been?" I just looked down and said, "I've been better." He nodded and said, "Trust me. I know how you feel." I just nodded a bit awkwardly and said, "Well I'm going to walk to english." Adam said, "Let me walk you?" I nodded and we started walking to English class together. While we we're walking to english it was silent then adam said, "Hey so why did you start talking to me?" I looked into his eyes and said, "Well, You look sad, I like making you happy and I kind of want an explanation." Adam smiled and said, "You being around me and smiling makes me happy." Then he said, "I'm really sorry about the dance. It was stupid. When you backed away from the kiss I was disappointed so I told Luis. He gave me advice and said that I should play hard to get. I knew that Luis was better with girls than me so I listened. I know it was stupid and i regret it so much but I only did it because I really love you. I swear I don't like Elsie and I never will. You mean the absolute wo-" I cut him off my grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. The kiss lasted like 2 minutes until I pulled away for air. Adam smiled and said, "Wow..." Then I laughed and walked to class with him following behind me.

That was hot...

When we got into English Adam was smiling the whole time. I'm so happy that he's happy. As much as he's messed up, I know he means well. He's never been in a relationship and he's not the best with girls. His words not mine. English was pretty boring and me and Adam kept looking over at each other and smiling. When English finished I walked to my locker and headed to Drama class. When I got there I saw Julie and Connie talking. I walked over to them and Julie said, "Girl spill. What happened with Mr. Cake Eater?" I smiled and said, "He explained everything and he just kept rambling and I kind of maybe might have kissed him." Julie and Connie both squealed really loud and our whole class looked at us. Then Connie said, "Thank god you guys are good. I love you guys together you both make eachother happy, plus depressed Banksie is sad to watch him barely does anything. He just sits there like a sad little ball of loneliness." I said, "Connie, I get it. Sad banksie is bad and you like us together. Stop making me feel bad." Then the teacher came in and class started. I was just looking forward to gym class with Adam.

I'm happy we're getting along again.

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