Chapter 9

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Adam's POV

I was walking to school and I knew I had to talk to Lexi. I was going to ask her why she ditched me on our date once we got to math class. I said some things about her yesterday that were not very nice and I felt bad because I never thought about her like that. I still don't. I wasn't gonna tell her what I said, except maybe in 15 years when we're married and have kids and can laugh about that kind of stuff. I knew it was wrong and I knew if Lexi ever found out now she would be hurt and probably wouldn't trust me anymore. But it doesn't matter because she wont find out. There's no way she could. When i was telling the boys how mad i was Rick wasn't there so he doesn't know what i said. There was nobody else on the team that had a reason to tell her.

Once I walked into math class I noticed Lexi wasn't sitting in her seat. I thought it was strange because she is always the first one in class. I assumed she was just running late and sat down. I turned to Guy and smiled at him but he just rolled his eyes. I sighed and said, "Look if this is about the whole ditching you at dinner thing. They didn't tell me until it was too late. I promise." Guy just ignored me and looked over to Julie who was staring at me crossing her arms. I turned to Charlie and so was he. They literally got varsity back. Why were they so mad? I just ignored the glares I was getting from all 3 of them and focused on the door waiting for Lexi to show up and brighten the mood. She always had that effect on people. I was like wherever she went that's where everyone's happiness went. That was one of the many things I liked, maybe even loved about her. (Adam really is pulling a 180 here.) The bell rang and she still wasn't there. Something was up Lexi Riley was never late for school. Unless of course she had an appointment. I just looked at her empty seat the entire class wishing she was there and wondering why she wasn't.

Math class ended and I tried to ask Julie, Guy or Charlie at this point why Lexi wasn't there but they all completely ignored me. They must be mad about something else; it can't just be the harmless varsity prank. But what were they mad about? I wasn't sure but I figured I would ask them about it at lunch. Then i just stopped thinking about it and walked to english hoping maybe Lexi just slept in and that she'll be in English class. Once I walked into the English class I sat down noticing that Lexi still wasn't there. I decided to walk up to the teacher and ask. "Hey, do you know why Lexi isn't here?" I asked. I figured the teacher would know because of attendance and the fact that Connie had her last class. The teacher just looked at me and said, "I'm not allowed to tell other students why classmates are absent." I knew that was a lie and the way she spoke made me feel almost as if she was mad at me. Oh well she's probably just grumpy that our gym teacher wouldn't text her back. I just sat through English staring at Lexi's empty seat wishing she was here smiling and laughing at my horrible jokes.

The bell rang and I ran to the lunch room. Once I got there I saw Julie and Connie. I walked up to them but they just turned away ignoring me. "Please just tell me why Lexi isn't here." I said hoping they would acknowledge my presence. Connie looked at me and rolled her eyes, "Why do you want to know? So you can break up with her?" I looked at Connie really confused. "What are you talking about?" Julie stepped up and said, "As if you don't know, I guess you are just some varsity jock now." I looked at Julie surprised she never had outbursts like that. "Can you guys just tell me why she isn't here?" Julie and Connie looked at each other and nodded, then said at the same time, "It's her business not yours." It creeped me out when girls talked with their eyes and when they talked at the same time. But what i didn't understand was why it wasn't my business she was my girlfriend after all. "Why isn't it my business?" I asked. Julie just said, "Look, it's not our place to tell you. And stop trying to talk to us, jerk." and with that they both walked away. Then I looked over at the ducks table and they were all giving me disappointed looks.

I thought about going to check on Lexi after school but then remembered she's roommates with Julie and that I have a 3 hour long practice after school so it probably wasn't going to work. Maybe she'd be at school tomorrow. I got into art class and heard Charlie talking to Guy, "We should ask." Then Guy and Charlie stood up and I waved at them, then they walked over to the teacher beside me ignoring me once again. Damn am I invisible today. Then I saw them pick up their stuff from our shared table and go sit at an empty table. Once I saw the glares I was receiving I knew I wasn't invisible but I'm starting to wish I was. I just hope Lexi is ok. If they're mad at me they might be mad at her because we're dating. I guess i'll just ask her tomorrow. I would've tried asking Rick but her and Rick aren't too close and her twin brother Tommy hates me. I'm not sure why though. Art class felt like it was going on forever. I could hear Guy and Charlie whisper and then both turn to look at me. At this point i just wanted to know why everyone was so mad at me.

I went to gym class which was just another boring class now that Lexi wasn't there. The way all of my friends were put me in a bad mood and normally the thing that cheered me up was seeing Lexi's smiling face. I guess I'm gonna have to go on without it. Class ended and I walked to hockey practice. When I got into the change room I went to sit in my normal spot beside the scooter but he was sitting beside Rick. I looked at him confused but he just ignored it. It seemed like I was getting ignored a lot today. I just wanted to know why. The whole practice Scooters bestfriend on the team wouldn't stop checking me into the boards and by the end of practice my entire body was in pain.

What did I do to deserve this?

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