Chapter 8

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Lexi's POV

I had a doctor's appointment today so i was late to school. I made it to school by lunch. Once I got into the lunch room I went to sit with Julie and Connie and the rest of the ducks. We were talking and laughing and then varsity, a.k.a my brother, his dweeby friends and my boyfriend. Everyone on the ducks just got annoyed and ignored them. Rick said, "Hey congrats on the game last night." Charlie said, "Yea whatever what do you guys want?" Rick looked at you and then the rest of the team. "You guys proved your guts, you all set for dinner friday?" Russ looked up at my brother and said, "Dinner?" Rick smirked and said, "Well it's an eden hall tradition. Varsity treats the freshmen to dinner. So round up your posse and meet us at 6 at the minnesota club downtown. Anybody need a ride, we can take you. I mean you guys do like steak and seafood right?" Charlie buts in, "Yea we do." Then cole says, "Look i don't like you pukes alright but this is a tradition ok. And at Eden Hall I learned to care about tradition." Then Cole walked away and Adam looked at everyone and said, "It's cool." Then he looked at you and said he needed to ask you something. You stood up and followed him. "What do you need? Is this another prank?" Adam looks at you and says, "No it's not a prank ok, and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date after the dinner. You know so i can make it up to you?" you smile and say, "Well cake-eater i would love to." Then he smiles and winks at you before walking over to the varsity table.

*Skip to friday*

Julie and Connie left a few minutes ago to go to the Varsity and JV dinner. So you were getting ready for your date with Adam after the dinner. You decided you would shower and then do your makeup and get dressed. You quickly showered and got dressed. You started doing your makeup and texted Julie and Connie asking how their dinner was going so far. Then Julie texted you back and said varsity ditched leaving them with the bill. You were so mad so you texted saying, "Adam included?" Julie said "yes" and you were so mad you couldn't believe that he would do that. Then you stopped by Rick's dorm and grabbed his wallet. You got a cab and drove over to the Minnesota club downtown. Once you got there you gave the cab driver a $400 tip just for more revenge on Rick. Then you walked in and ran up to the team. They all thanked you for coming and then you paid the bill so they could leave. They all thanked you and you said, "Hey, don't thank me, thank Rick's credit card." They all looked at you in shock as you dangled the credit card infront of them. They all laughed and you walked out with them. You decided to help them by pranking the Varsity team with brazilian fire ants. After you pranked them you were walking back to your dorm and you got a video text from a random number.


Once you got back to your dorm room with Julie and Connie you decided you were going to listen to the video. Once you clicked on it you saw it was a video of Adam. You realized that the players around him all had ant bites on his face meaning it must have been filmed recently. You saw his face and he looked really upset then he said, "I can't believe I tried so hard for that slut. I gave her everything and what did she do? She stood me up on the date I was going to make things up to her. She's such a bitch I should've just cheated on her when that cheerleader asked me to. She has all the guys after her on different sports teams because she's a whore. I can't believe I even pretend for a second that I loved her. She isn't going anywhere in life. Nobody will ever love someone like her. I need to break up with her ASAP. Good bye." After watching the video you started sobbing you couldn't believe that he had said that about you. You also wanted to know who filmed it so you could thank them. Connie and Julie called your name and you walked into the bathroom that they were painting their nails in. Once they saw you they immediately ran over to you and hugged you. Then Connie said, "hey, you're ok. Just breathe and tell me what happened." You couldn't speak, you were numb, you felt like you weren't there like you were nothing. Troy might have broken your heart but Adam Banks took your heart and fixed it just to break it into a million more pieces. He said he wasn't like that and he told me he wouldn't do something like that. He lied. And it broke me more than I could imagine. He was worse than Troy. He was worse than anyone. He pretended to care, made you happy and took it away just like that. He wasn't just some jerk he was a monster and you knew you would never forgive him or even speak to him. Just thinking about it made you cry even more. Julie and Connie then heard you got a text and went over to your phone. Connie saw the video and Julie pressed play. They listened to it and both stood there shocked. I don't think that either of them saw that one coming and quite frankly I don't think anyone would have. They immediately tried comforting me but nothing help. Nothing ever would.

Adam Banks broke me.

I cried myself to sleep that night wondering why missing one date made him so mad. Something like that wouldn't have made him mad enough to say that. He must've meant it. I get that the date was important to him but still the things he said were something not even people that hate me would say. But all of that coming from him felt worse than getting shot right now. Anything did.

I woke up to Julie and Connie shaking me, "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WERE GONNA BE LATE" I just told them i was going to stay home sick they tried to stop me but i refused i had too many classes with Adam and i didnt know if i could handle seeing him today. The girls agreed but told me that I needed to cheer up.

How could i. there's nothing left to fix my heart this time around.

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