Chapter 18

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Lexi's POV

Today is the day of the dance. I'm so excited. I'm getting ready with Julie and Connie right now. A few guys asked me to dance through the week but I rejected them. There was only one person I wanted to dance with and I hoped he was going to come. I got dressed in a very pretty dress that Connie let me use. It fit me really well.

(You can imagine a different dress if you don't like this)

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(You can imagine a different dress if you don't like this)

Connie did my makeup and Julie did my hair. I barely recognized myself. Julie and Connie looked at me with their jaws dropped. I never really tried to look good because I didn't have anyone to impress but this is different. I can't just wear leggings and a hoodie. Connie looked at me and said, "OH MY GOSHHH. LEXI. YOU LOOK STUNNING." I smiled and Julie said, "Wow, that's my best friend." Then I complimented them and we headed to the dance. Once we got there we saw some of the ducks we walked over to them and said hi. People started dancing and me, Julie and Connie walked onto the dance floor. I saw a lot of people looking at me and it made me a bit self conscious, but then Connie said, "They're looking at you because you're gorgeous. Come on let's keep dancing."

We kept dancing and having fun and I got thirsty so I went to get punch. I asked Julie and Connie if they wanted a punch and they both said, "yes." I walked over to the punch bowl and saw Luis talking to someone. Once I got closer I saw crutches and I knew it was Adam. I smiled and said, "Hey stranger, didn't think you were coming." Adam looked at me up and down and said, "Woah. Lexi, You look....Wow." I blushed and said, "Why thank you you don't look to bad yourself crippie." I started calling him that throughout the week because he kept falling every time I was at my locker talking to someone. Then Elsie came up behind Adam and said, "Hey Addy. Ready to dance?" I really didn't like her. She was the cheerleader Adam was talking about in that video and she always talks about Adam with me at practice. Then Elsie looked at me and said, "Oh..Hey Lexi, I hope it's not awkward that your ex-boyfriend asked me to the dance." I looked at Adam and he just looked down. I wasn't the type to be rude or call someone out but this made me mad. Not going to the dance my ass. "No, it's all good. I hope it's not awkward that he told me you 're crazy less than a week ago." Then I heard Luis say, "Oh shit.." Then I looked at Adam and said, "Hope you enjoy the dance Banks." He started to talk, "Lexi wai-'' I interrupted, "No banks, this wasn't a really bad attempt at trying to regain my trust. But I guess you don't want it now that you have Elsie. Right?" Then I just grabbed the punch and walked away.

Once I made it back to Julie and Connie they noticed I was upset. Julie asked, "What's wrong?" I just said, "Please don't ask that i wanna enjoy the dance and if I start crying I'll ruin my makeup. That mascara was hella expensive." Connie said, "Are you sure? There will be other dances." Then I just walked into the middle of the dance floor and said, "We're here now and might as well enjoy it." Then they just shrugged and we started dancing. One of my favourite songs started. It was one of those songs that you dance around in a bra and sweats in your room when you're all alone. Me, Connie and Julie started dancing and everyone was cheering us on. Someone even threw money at us which made us laugh. Then the song ended and Guy came over. "Hey Lexi, How are you enjoying the dance? Have you seen anyone?" I just laughed at his lame attempt to check on me and said, "I saw and I don't care. I'm just trying to have fun." Then Guy nodded and said, "Alright glad to hear it. Oh and Connie. NEVER do that again there were so many guys watching you." Me and Julie laughed while Connie just rolled her eyes. Then we sat down at our table and had some snacks. Then Julie said, "I know this is probably a bad time but what was up earlier and what was Guy talking about." I looked at the dancefloor and pointed at Adam and Elsie. They both saw and then I said, "He told me he didn't think he was going to go and that Elsie was crazy and then when I was getting punch i found out that he asked her to the dance. But it's fine we are here to have fun and that's what we are going to do." They both looked at me sympathetically and then we walked to the photo booth. When we got there we took a bunch of photos and laughed at our faces in them afterward.

Once we walked back to the dancefloor I saw Phillips standing by himself and said to Connie and Julie. I said, "I'm going to ask him to dance. He looks lonely." They both nodded and I walked over to him. I smiled at him and said, "Hey stranger. Care to dance?" He smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me to the dance floor saying, "I thought you'd never ask." Then once we got there I said, "Where were all of your friends?" He shrugged and said, "Trying to get anyone to hookup with them." I laughed and said, "Well i'm happy to see you aren't with them." Then he said, "I'm guessing things didn't go well with Adam. Did he not show up?" I laughed and said, "Oh he showed up. With another girl." Phillips looked at me with a sad smile and said, "His loss, all of the guys at this dance are talking about how amazing you look and how they should ask you to dance." I laughed and said, "Ha ha very funny." Then he said, "Lexi, i'm serious, you're so busy worrying about Adam you don't even realize everyone else that looks at you the way you look at him." Then I looked around and saw people looking at me, "Oh my god. How did I never realise this?" Phillips laughed and said, "You also have not realised that you've friendzoned everybody at this school." What Phillips said made me realise that there are so many other boys at this school. Why is Adam so special? Then I looked at him and said, "Thank you so much for telling me and being a great friend." Then he just sighed and said, "That's what friends are for. Now go have fun with Connie and Julie." I hugged him and walked away. I just friendzoned him didn't I? My bad...

I'm just Going to have fun with the girls and ignore Adam.

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