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Chelsie's pov

"Aw he's gorgeous," Beau cried.

I looked over at Jai in the corner who was gasping for breath.

"Jai are you ok?.." I whispered a little run down.

"I..I.." He stuttered.

"Why don't you sit down..?" I giggled.

"Anyone would think it was you who gave birth," The nurse laughed. "Okay well everything seems fine, so I suppose you can go home." She smiled.

"Already but.. she just had a baby.." Jai panicked.

"Jai I'm fine, Its you I'm worried about." I laughed.

"I.. I'm a dad, we have to tell mom." Jai said.

"Don't worry, Chelsie's mum and our mum are on their way over to find out the big surprise.." Luke said.

"Oh shit, I forgot about mum... she's gonna kill me!" I half-shouted.

"Don't worry Chelsie. It'll be fine!" James laughed.

"Your little boy is 4pound 4ounces." The nurse interrupted.

"Can I hold him?" Jai whispered.

The nurse passed Jai the baby, and he held him.

"I have to tweet about this," I said whilst snapping a shot of Jai holding his baby boy.


"Our little baby <3"

My phone soon blew up with notifications from fans wanting to know about the new addition to the brooks brood.

"What are you gonna call him?" James asked.

"I like Chase.." Jai beamed.

"Chase.. Brooks." I smiled, "I like it too."

"Woo little Chase Brooks" Beau cheered.

"Okay, now that little Chase has been checked over you're free to go home.

Luke and Daniel burst back through the door.

"We got you clothes and there's a carseat and.." Daniel gasped taking a look at Chase.

I saw a tear drop from Luke's eye.

I grabbed the clothes from Daniels arms and went to the bathroom and changed.

Once I got out we were ready to leave. Jai was still holding Chase, he looked so right with a child.


When we reached home our mums were already there. I walked into the kitchen on my own at first.

"Hey sweetie!" My mum rushed over giving me a hug.

"Hey mom, I missed you!" I hugged her back. "Hey Gina, how you doing?" I smiled.

"I'm good thanks, now whats the big news?! It sounded important" She laughed.

"Ergh promise you won't freak out?" I stuttered.

"You're not pregnant again are you?" Gina laughed.

"Jai you can come in now.." I smiled.

Jai walked in with the carseat in his hand.

"Thats not what I think it is, is it?.." Gina scoffed.

"Mom you're now a grandma..."

A change for the good. (Jai Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now