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Lukes pov

It's been a few days since Chelsie admitted she needed help, and we were slowly on the road to recovery. She hasn't smoked or injected anything in 2 days, we have to be careful though, the boys are getting suspicious. I can see why me and Chelsie are spending so much time together!

Chelsie: I have to go pack..

Me: why?

Chelsie: I have to take Harper back to England.

Me: since when?

Chelsie: since Sam wants to see his daughter on her birthday...

Me: I'm coming with.

Chelsie: you dont trust me?

Me: nope.

I went upstairs to pack a bag, and me and Chelsie left that night.

Jais pov

I was sleeping when as per usual James came to wake me up.

James:wake up cunt!

Me: erghh what time is it?

James: 1. lazy shit.

James left and I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed and downstairs. I hated waking up.

Beau: guys have any of you seen Luke or Chelsie?

James: not since lastnight..

Daniel walked in reading the the paper.

Daniel: guys you should read this..

Beau grabbed the paper and read aloud the headlining story "Brooks twin steals your girl"

Me: what?!

There was a picture of Luke and Chelsie boarding a plane together, how could they do this to me? I picked up the phone and rang Chelsie.

Chelsie: helloo?

Me: have you seen Luke?

Chelsie: not since yesterday why?


Me: well he hasn't been home since lastnight, where are you?

Chelsie: England,  I left you a note. I'm taking Harper to see Sam.

Me: oh right.. when are you coming back?

Chelsie: Tomorroww..

Me: okay see you then.

Chelsie: love you.

I put the phone down.


James: what?

Me: She just lied to me,  thats it I'm so done with her.

Beau: why whats she done?

Me: shes having an affair with Luke.

Luke's pov

We'd not long landed at Bristol airport when Jai was already phoning Chelsie. Shit. I told her not to tell Jai I was with her. It would just make things weird.

We got to Sams. It was a nice flat. Sam wasn't actually that bad. He was a lad.

Sam: helloo baby girll!

Harper: dada!

Sam: alright Luke? Chelsie?

Me: yea we're good thanks.

Chelsie: I have to go meet someone, you wanna watch her for a bit?

Me: who are you meeting?

Chelsie: so much for not trusting me. You can come with me if you want.

Luke: ok let's go.

A change for the good. (Jai Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now