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I picked up my bag and sprinted back towards Chelsie's. i knocked vigorously on the door. No answer. No no no, this can't be happening. Sam finally answered.

"Where's Chelsie?" I panicked

"She's gone dude," He replied

"Where too?" I asked

"The airport," He said

"Fuck! Did she take Harper with her?"

"No Harper's in here.." Sam said

"Did she say where she was going?" 

"Australia probably, look dude I'm sorry." He replied, sorrow in his eyes.


After talking to Sam and trying to get hold of Chelsie I finally decided it would be best if I went back to America back to my boys. I was in the cab home, thinking about everything. I loved that girl with all my heart and more, I just needed to know she was ok. I reached the house and went straight up to my room to start unpacking my things. 

I took my dirty clothes down to the washing machine.

"Hey when did you get back?" Daniel said walking in.

"Just," I smiled.

"Oh, how come you didn't tell any of us?" He asked, whilst we walked to the kitchen.

"I left quickly," I replied.

"What happened?" Luke interrupted, sighing.


"How bad was the argument this time?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"Bad, so very bad." I said.

"She loves you man, you can tell, she came back from the dead for you. She did everything for you, she left her daughter for you." Luke explained.

"Have you been speaking to her?" I asked.

"No," Luke replied sharply.

I heard the front door close, it was probably Beau.

"Have you heard anything from him yet?" A familiar voice said walking into the kitchen and gasping in surprise. "Jai!" She screeched out.

I turned round and she was there..

"What.. what are you doing here?" Jai said.

"I'm going to leave you to it.." Luke said leaving the room Daniel quickly following.

"I knew this would be where you'd come... but didn't imagine I'd be here before you," she said. "I couldn't leave things like that, they were bad, I wasn't prepared for it to be like that. Then I got a text from Rhys, telling me you were coming to get me, but by then it was too late, I was already on the plane. I was hoping you'd be on one soon too, not over 3 days later.."

"But I tried to ring you.." I whispered. 

She showed me her phone, the screen was badly cracked. "Broken, everytime I tried to answer your call nothing.." She smiled sweetly. 

"I'm so sorry, I completely over-reacted to everything. Of course you have a past everyone's going to." I begged for forgiveness.

"Its ok, all I know is that you, you are my future Jai Brooks, and thats all that matters." She replied. 

I walked towards her and cupped her face in my hands and kissed her softly on the lips.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too." She replied, kissing me again.

"You kissed and made up then?" Beau said walking into the room ruining the moment. "Chelsie James wants to see you upstairs." He said. 

"Ok," She smiled running off. 

Chelsie's pov

I went up to James' room happy everything had sorted itself out.

"Hey James, Beau said you wanted me?" I smiled.

"Think you'd better come in.." James said, Luke was in there too. 

"Whatsup?" I asked.

"When are you going to tell him?" Luke asked, slightly angered.

"Luke stop I'll deal with it, you'll just get worked up." James smiled, then looked at me "When are you going to tell him?" He asked.

"Tell him what?" I asked slightly confused..

"Tell him about this.." James said holding up the pregnancy test I'd taken earlier that day...

A change for the good. (Jai Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now