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Jais pov

Sam left and I went on chelsie's instagram.. It said she was in the main town of melbourne.. That could be anywhere, and it was getting late now so hardly anyone would be about..

Me: shitshitshit..

Beau: Jai we'll find her I promise..

Luke, James and Skip were frantically calling and texting her.. We didn't know what else to do..

Me: she's in the city..

Luke: this is going to sound crazy but we need to check all tall buildings..

I could feel the emotion building up inside.. I couldn't loose her not just after I got her to open up to me, and let me in, not just after I found my perfect girl.. To me she was perfect, I didn't want her to go, and maybe I was being selfish.. But she needed to think about Harper, and her Mum, her mum needed her.. Harper needed her.. I needed her.

We got in the car, I'd taken Sams number to keep in touch and let him know what was happening..

Beau drove like a mad man to the city, Skip and James were behind in a different car, we were going to split up to make our search easier.. I was just hoping that nothing would happen to her..

Everyone was still calling and texting her but there was no answer.

I wasn't going to give up, I couldn't give up, she was my world now, and if my world goes there's nothing left for me..

Chelsies pov

I was still walking round the city, my phone on silent because the boys had begun to ring me.. My only guess was that Sam had told them about the message.. It was just easier this way, I couldn't hurt Jai, and the boys would look after him, my mum probably wouldn't even notice I wasn't there, she was never home.. And Harper, she would grow up with no memory of her mum apart from the one Sam would give and hopefully that would be good..

I forgot to tell you, I'd found the place, the place where it would happen..

I'd put my headphones in with 'Bring me the horizon - blessed with a curse' playing, tbh this song summed up my situation perfectly right now.. I sat on the edge of the building, it wasn't to high so the fall wouldn't be too long or frightening.. A feather floated past my face, I sat there lost in the moment, I wanted to be as light as that feather.. I wanted to float down into a better life, a life that I could enjoy, the afterlife, although I was pretty damn sure I'd end up in hell... I stood up and took one last look at the world, everything was so peaceful, tears began to roll down my cheeks..

Me: Harper, my gorgeous baby girl, I'll always love you.. Jai, I'm so sorry that I have to go.. Mum, you weren't always the best, but you were a mum that counts for something... Sam, you look after our little girl or I'll haunt you for the rest of your life.

I took one last deep breath..

A change for the good. (Jai Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now