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Chelsies pov

I was quite relieved when I found out it was Jai. I wish I could have stayed and talked longer, but Harper was getting tired, so I had to go.. He was so gorgeous. I got in and led on the sofa with Harper trying to settle her. I did most of the looking after of Harper, my mum was a recovering alcoholic and wasn't really fit to look after her most of the time..

My phone vibrated in my pocket.


    Hey I was just wondering if you wanted to come film a video with us tomorrow? James and Daniel would love to meet you :3 x

Film a video? What was he on about?.. It was at this moment it clicked, he was the Jai Brooks from the Janoskians.


    I'd love to but I have to babysit, maybe another time :)x


    Well that's a shame, oh well what are you doing right now?x


   Nothing, why don't you come over and bring the boys?:)x


   Sure be round in 10 :)x

A couple of minutes later I heard someone knock on the door, I answered it and only Jai was there...

Me: where is everyone?

Jai: they've all gone to Mcdonalds to get us some food.. They'll be about an hour.

Me: okayy, come in!

Jai came in and sat in the living room..

Mum: Chelsie Bull would you care to explain why there is a strange boy sat in our living room?..

Me: Mum this is Jai, he lives across the road!

Mum: oh so you're making friends already?

Me: yea I met him when I went to the shop earlier..

Mum: ok well nice to meet you Jai, I'm going out, so behave!

Jai: I'll look after her!

Me: bye mum!

She left..

Me: sorry about that, my mums quite over protective..

Jai: its cute, don't worry about it!

So why don't you tell me about yourself?

Me: what do you want to know?

Jai: ok so if you don't mind me asking, but how old are you?

Me: I'm 17!

Jai: is that it?

Me: is that a bad thing?

Jai: oh nonono, I just thought you were older!

Me: aha nopee..

Jai: okay, why did you move here?

Me: erm.. We.. Ermm.. Got bored of England.

Jai: oh right..

We sat there in silence for a bit, it wasn't awkward, just silent...

Jai: I think you're awesome..

Me: what..

Jai: you're just awesome..

Jai leant in and our foreheads touched, we were about to kiss when someone knocked on the door..

I pulled away from Jai and went to answer it..

A change for the good. (Jai Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now