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Its been a month since everything happened. Sam has gone back to England and taken Harper with him to meet his parents. I feel lost. Not having to wake up in the morning, not having someone else's life in my hands. It was weird. She's only been gone for 3 days, you should of seen Sams mum when she first met Harper on Skype. She was shocked. In fact his whole family were, they had no idea.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I so wasn't ready for human interaction. Reluctantly I answered it..

Me: Hello..

Jai: good afternoon gorgeous!

Me: afternoon? What time is it?!

Jai: its half 2! What are your plans for today?

Me: fuck.. I don't have any why?

Jai: great, barbeque at skips, I'll pick you up at 5, love you!

Me: Erm ok, love you too..

I didn't really feel in the mood for seeing all the boys today but I suppose I had to for Jai, he sounded really excited on the phone. Thing is, with Jai now he's really protective of me, he doesn't like leaving me on my own, he constantly texts me, he always has to know how I'm feeling. Sure it's cute that he cares, but I need my space, I had a down day, that was all.

*5 o'clock*

I'd surprisingly got ready for the barbeque on time, I was just waiting for Jai, he's always late. Finally a knock on the door..

Jai: heyyy!

he embraced me into a massive hug, I do kinda miss his hugs when he isn't around, he has a hug that can make anything better.

Me: heyy, why you so excited?

Jai: me and the boys have an announcement!

Me: ooh what?

Jai: you have to wait till later!

He kissed me, and winked, i loved his cheekiness.

Jai: come on let's go!

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car, I shouted bye to my mum, and ran beside him,  Beau was waiting in the car to drive us, I wonder what their announcement was?

The night was going great, everyone was a little tipsy, and we were all having a great time, the boys had gathered all their close friends for the announcement they all looked soo happy! It made me happy.

Beau: Oi fuckers listen up!

The noise died down and everyone turned around to look at the boys...

Jai: okk, so our announcement comes in three parts.

Luke: so firstly... a few months ago we were signed to a record deal with Sony!!!

Daniel: We're going on a two month world tour...

James: and... We're moving to Americaa!!!!

what? It can't be happening. I can't lose all my boys at once,  no. They can't go, how could they do this?My face had dropped, everyone else was excited, but me? I hated the idea. I mean I was happy for them... But they were my boys.

Jai came over to me..

jai: isn't it great!?

Me: yea its amazing!...

More of Jai's friends came over to congratulate him, this was my perfect opportunity to slip off..I left Daniels tears running down my face, I couldn't live without them, if they're going to leave me... I'm going to leave them.

Jai's pov

I couldn't find Chelsie anywhere.. I'd been looking for ages but couldn't find her...

Me: have any of you seen chelsie?

Cody: I saw her leave earlier man...

Me: how long ago?..

Cody: like nearly two hours ago..

Me: fuck.

Luke: whats up?

Me: Chelsie left like 2 hours ago and I didn't even notice!!

Luke: It'll be fine, just give her a call!

I took on Luke's advice and started searching for my phone, finally I found it and called Chelsie...no answer....

I had a text off Chelsie...


goodbye. hope everything goes well for you on tour.... have fun in America, just forget about me..I just drag you guys down..

I dropped my phone and walked, how could she say that after everything? What did she mean by goodbye? No..I ran all the way to Chelsie's, I couldn't let her do this, not now.

Luke's pov

I saw Jai drop his phone and walk off..I went over to his phone and picked it up, before reading the message...

Me: guys quick!

Beau: what?

Me: Read this!

They all read the message and quickly got their phones out to try and contact her.. We weren't ready to go through this again.

Daniel: I have it too!

James: same here!

Me: She sent it too all of us.. like a final goodbye.

Beau: where's Jai?!

Me: quick her house..

We all had to run as we slightly over the limit, however I must admit watching Daniel stumble down the road was funny. It felt like we'd been running for hours,  Chelsies house was only 15 minutes away from Daniels..

When we'd final reached it we found a very upset Jai sat outside.

Jai: shes gone..

I know this is a very short, long awaited chapter,  but it's 1:30am in England right now and I really wanted to get it up tonight but I've been distracted babysitting, but this is a great cliffhanger, I think. The next chapter shall be up within a few days...

A change for the good. (Jai Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now