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Jai's pov

I miss her, I miss her so much. We haven't heard from her in days, even her mum's worried. We contacted the police, they said they'd search for her, but we knew it would be no use. If they did find her, it wouldn't be good news.

I spent most days sat in my room on my own, and today was no different. I sat in my room ringing Chelsie hoping for an answer, when like everytime it just went to the silly voicemail we'd recorded, it was nice to hear her voice....

*knock on the door*

Luke: jai... the police are here..

I looked at Luke in horror. I slowly made my way downstairs..

Police officer 1: Hey Jai..

Me: hi..

P O 2: Jai as the last person who saw chelsie, we need you to confirm what chelsie was wearing the night she disappeared?..

Me: erm she was wearing a black dress, quite tightly fitted with a leather jacket and black and pink airmax..

P O 1: are you absolutely sure?

The officer pressured me as another looked through a file.. I looked over to Luke for reassurance.

Luke: that was definitely it, look I have a picture on my phone from that night.

Luke got out his phone and showed the officers, I saw a sad look on their face, as they went to talk..

Me: what do you know?..

P O 2: there was a young girl found in a river dead, she was wearing similar clothes, but its hard to tell as she suffered a lot of injuries, and herself and the clothes are unidentifiable.

P O 1: we understand that chelsie has been suicidal in the past and the body we had found had slit wrists, and also a lot of scars from previous self-harm, I'm so sorry boys...

Me: thankyou..

My mum let the officers out and I immediately broke down, the boys too. I couldn't live without her, not my baby girl, she's gone to soon. Who's going to break the news to get mum?

A change for the good. (Jai Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now