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***It's been 3 months since she's been gone, we've just started our new life in LA and things are good. It was concluded the body was Chelsie's after her DNA was found all over the clothing along with her mates Sarah. The boys and her family have grieved, but me? I still don't know how to feel.  My life just feels empty without her...***

Sams pov

The phone rang a few times before someone answered...


Me:Chelsie! everyones worried about you...

Chelsie: I'm in trouble...


Chelsie: an old drug dealer i owe money too spotted me in town,  and now won't leave me alone.

Chelsie sounded really flustered and close to tears in the phone,  I had to do something.

Me:where are you? I'm on my way..

Chelsie: I'm in town, by Cabot.

Me: stay put I'll be as fast as I can.

I put the phone down, got mum to look after Harper, and took her car keys, I drove manically to Bristol town centre, I soon spotted her sat down with 2 men next to her.. Dodge and Ben.. Our old drug dealers.

I got out the car and walked over.


Ben:Sam, my man!

Me:is everything ok here?

Dodge:just getting what we're owed.

I looked at Chelsie covered in bruises and cuts, with one very large black eye.

Me:and this is the way to do it?..beating up a young woman?

Ben:well how else are we meant to do it? got to be fair to customers.

Me:how much does she owe you?

Dodge:Aw look, your baby daddy has come to rescue you. We don't want your money.

Me:well you sure as hell ain't going to get it from her. so how much?

I started raising my voice at this point, although I was shitting myself.

Dodge: 500.

I pulled out my wallet and handed over the money eh extra on top, just to keep them away.

Me: now you leave her alone, she doesn't owe you fuck all.

Ben: yes boss,  pleasure doing business with you.

They both smirked and walked off. I wrapped my jacket around Chelsie and helped her into the car.  Most of the car journey was silent.

Chelsie: thankyou, I'll pay back every penny.

Me:there's no need, money's not a problem. What I want to know is why you're here...

Chelsie: long story...

Me: i have time...

Chelsie spilt her heart out about everything Jai, the boys,  missing Harper,  missing me... and just generally feeling lost.

Me: Chelsie you have to tell everyone back home you're ok.

Chelsie:I need more time. I need to be with my daughter.

Me: fine,  you can stay at mine.

Chelsie: what will your parents say?!

Me:they won't care, they're never in.

Chelsie: thankyou so much Sam!!

Chelsie's pov

I've been at Sams for nearly a week now and it's strange.... Everyone back in Melbourne had stopped ringing me, just like that, even my mum...I decided to go on twitter to see what was going on...I hadn't been on for a while. I logged into twitter and was shocked by what I saw...


R.I.P Chelsie, a misguided Angel, you'll be missed♥


can't believe she's gone r.i.p Chelsie.

What? They thought I was dead? How? Why? confusion was occupying my mind. I rang my mum, in wonder what she thought..

ring ring ring ringgg


Me: Mum!

Mum: oh my god! Chelsie we thought you dead!

Me: I saw, what happened?!

I could hear the emotion filling up in her voice.

Mum: well they found a dead girl like you,  we had a funeral and everything,  but that doesn't matter, I can't wait to tell Jai!

Me:no, don't do that...

Mum: what why?

Me: just please dont? All you need to know is I'm safe in england..

Mum:ok,  when will I see you?

Me:I'm not sure mum, I have to go, I love you, bye.

I put the phone down, so they all thought I killed myself?  They had a funeral? I feel sorry for the poor girl get were actually burying..

A change for the good. (Jai Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now