About me

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Hello everyone!

First of all , feel free to follow me on instagram @greenmilktalk for deep talks and more tips/advice on health/working out.

If someone is interest in knowing a little bit about my weight loss and gain experience! I'll do a really short summary since it's A LOT. Let me know if you want a separate book about that.

It all started in quarantine when working out became one of the most popular topics.I've been interested in working out since I was young around 8 but never took it to an everyday thing. In fact,when I was 9 I started my sedentary life. I knew at some point I had to work out or just do some physical activity because I knew how important it was.

Well...action didn't happened until I was 15. I can say I had been living a sedentary life for 6 years. All my life I've been the skinny/lean girl in school, they would call me names for how skinny I was. It made me feel so uncomfortable and self conscious. It made me hate my body especially my really skinny legs. It stressed me out and a way I thought people would stop judging me or calling me names would be by eating. I ate like my life depended on it and I even overate. At some point, I did gain weight but not in a way I wanted. I was just becoming "Skinny fat". I didn't like it. One thing that makes feel so embarrassed about this, is that I was doing it for someone else and I let people get to my head.

So when quarantine came, Everyone was getting interested in working out and eating healthy so I told myself this is your opportunity. Focus on yourself and get it together.

I started working out. Not so much eating healthy since I didn't know how important that was at that time. But that's when I fell in love with working out.

One month turned into three and three turned into a year. I saw a slight difference in my belly fat but not too much. I then tried intermittent fasting which didn't workout (Long story). I tried diets after diets and restricted. I was hurting my body.I realized if I wanted to lose weight I had to stop focusing on diets and change my lifestyle not only that but do it for health not for the weight.

And I did...

I worked so hard to overcome my fears and change my lifestyle. I ate healthy for myself and my body because I knew I had put my body through so many rough times the least I could do was taking care of it. I did yoga and worked out and I started to fell in love with my body. (The highlight of my quarantine)

I also gained weight!!! Which i'm really happy about because it was in a healthy way and it's all muscle!

I'm happy to share some tips and advice with all of you!

Just a reminder that you are beautiful and you should do this for yourself and only yourself because at the end of the day people will judge either way. Let's put our health first and take care of ourselves.

Enjoy xo (Hope this helps hehe)

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