Scale is the enemy

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Don't weight yourself!!!

Okay trust me!!!

If you can throw away your scale or hide it DO IT!

The reason is because muscle weights the same as fat. So when you see yourself not losing weight or even gaining weight you won't feel too happy.

Same thing happened to me. I started gaining muscle so the scale number was going up but I didn't let it get to me. I stopped weighing myself and just continue to do what I was doing.

Another thing I think everyone should know is, I know fat and muscle weight the same BUT the difference is fat will be there for everyone to see while muscle won't be very noticeable unless you want it to. I'm lean and skinny and my scale number still went up.

When I say the scale is the enemy. I'm not lying. Throw it away or put it aside, keep doing you. You don't need it anyway the results will still be there.

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