A Helping Hand

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Wearily, (Y/n) shut his eyes in an attempt to drown out all other background noise when a new sound reached his ears. Loud grunting and thudding drew part of (Y/n)'s attention to a figure manhandling some of the thugs while others received busted noses, ribs and broken arms. (Y/n)'s focus managed to regain some focus of his eyesight when he managed to catch a glimpse of the figure before him. 

A person built muscularly but with the face of a woman. Sirens wailed in the distance as (Y/n) used the tree to pull himself back up to his feet when the person picked him up and took a gigantic leap to escape the scene of the crime. 

In a heavy thud, the green-skinned creature that held (Y/n) in her arms dumped him on the ground in the alley that which they hid in. The stranger used a dumpster to conceal their appearance from the (h/c) man who unknowingly was the first person to witness their form. 

"What the fu...?" (Y/n) uttered as he slowly managed to get a better look at his saviour. 

The womanly creature growled softly as it cowered behind the dumpster until (Y/n) slowly crept towards it to get a better view of the creature, his hands raised to show that he meant her no harm. 

"Oh. My. God. Jennifer?! You're a... what the hell?" 

Suddenly, the green-skinned woman began to decrease in size, resorting back to her human form where (Y/n) found himself staring at the real Jennifer Walters cowering against the wall in torn clothes, hugging herself as tears streamed down her cheeks. 

"Hey, hey. It's me. It's okay. Everything's okay, Jennifer. It's me, (Y/n)." The (h/c) man cooed as he removed his jacket and carefully placed it over Jennifer's back before producing his phone to contact Brad for a pick-up. 

Fifteen minutes later and a car pulled up directly outside the alley (Y/n) and Jennifer were in. By that time, the brunette had softened up and snuggled up in (Y/n)'s arms when he carried her to the car. Brad didn't dare say anything as to avoid provoking Jennifer to bursting into tears again while (Y/n) maintained physical comfort from the back seats where they sat. 

Brad pulled up outside Jennifer's place so that the two could have privacy to themselves. (Y/n) carried the brunette inside her house. Gently, (Y/n) laid Jennifer on the end of her bed and removed himself from her presence momentarily to fetch her a glass of water. 

When he returned, Jennifer seemed all the more silent as she took the glass, appreciative of his hospitality and kind-heartedness and took a large gulp of water, leaving less than a third of water left. 

Hoarsely, Jennifer uttered, "Thank you..." 

"Where have you been, Jennifer? What the hell happened to you?" (Y/n) raised his voice, startling the brunette. 

Baffled by this, Jennifer mustered words in a stammer. "I-I don't know. I remember a firecracker sound. Hard punches in my stomach, and you holding me in your arms as I bled out. When I regained consciousness, you weren't there. I was, I was alone. Trapped in someone else's subconscious while this... this anger, this rage, took over. I-I couldn't control myself. It was like I was trapped in a cage, unable to do anything as this green rage monster went wherever she wanted and did whatever she wanted with no-one to stop her. Until I found you, I felt overjoyed. But those men that were hurting you..." 

"You saved me, Jen." 

Taking her hands into his, (Y/n) produced a comforting smile. Shunning away from him, Jennifer turned her back to him and covered her face with her hands and sobbed. (Y/n) reached his arm out to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, she jerked her shoulder away from his hand which gave some indication that she wasn't in the mood to be comforted. 

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