Turn Up The Heat

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"Jennifer? Oh my... do you know what time it is?" 

"H-Hey, I'm sorry to be calling you this time of night but... I-I need your help." 

"It's four in the morning. Wait. What's wrong? Have you... have you been crying?" 

Jennifer sniffled and consumed her next glass of wine. "Yeah..." 

"Dearie, what's the matter? Is (Y/n) and the baby okay?" 

"W-Well... no, actually. I-I need you to come over. Please..." 

"I'm on my way now." 

When the phone hang up, Jennifer broke down again while her daughter mind her own business with her toys in the living room. It ached Jennifer's heart knowing that she didn't have (Y/n) with her at that time to comfort her, let alone go out to search for him without someone looking after her daughter. 

Half an hour came to pass until there was a knock at the front door. For a moment, Jennifer blindly believed that it was (Y/n) until she identified her guest to be fellow superhero, Sue Richards. The blonde woman entered the household and immediately wrapped her arms around Jennifer's back and guided her to the dinner table where they held a conversation. 

Jennifer explained what happened and all that was said without a detail missed. The other superheroine's heart ached for Jennifer as what she was going through was completely sympathetic. All Sue could do was assure Jennifer that (Y/n) would come back home soon or if not, they would find him alive and well. 

Something in Jennifer's gut told her that wasn't going to be the case, but nonetheless she trusted Sue and waited a while before they made the announcement of (Y/n) going missing. Jennifer's fears heightened as all she could do was hold her child closely and cry. 


There was much clamouring as soldiers marched through corridors in double file, rifles in hands yet unloaded while other workers mind their own business as experiments were conducted in a decrepit warehouse that was used as a hideout to stash kidnapped individuals. One such individual was dressed with a lab coat on with a clipboard scribbling down notes. 

Out of everybody in the warehouse who wore green and yellow suits with their logos branded on their shoulders, the scientist in the lab coat wandered past patient rooms where curtains were wide open for individuals inside to be seen experiencing change. Such illegal experimentation brought indescribable pain as one in particular was strapped to a bed. 

"Wakey, wakey," sang the scientist. 

The victim strapped to the bed awoke and breathed deeply through their nostrils when their eyes settled on the scientist for a while until their eyes adjusted focus. 

"I was wondering when you'd wake up." 

"W-Where am I? Who are you?" 

"Don't you worry, my friend. You're in safe hands now." 

"Clearly not if I'm strapped to a damn bed. Let me out!" 

" 'Fraid not. Not until you show me something I like." 

"What do you want, exactly?" 

The scientist leaned over and whispered, "Blood." 

The victim stared at the man with wide eyes when they found themselves being pushed out of the room towards an incinerator. Dread filled the victim as their heartbeat accelerated when they found their feet almost touching the wall of the incinerator. 

"Y-You're not seriously gonna put me in there, are you?" The victim stammered. 

"Of course we are! How else are we going to unlock your powers?" 

"You sick bastard!" 

"No. I'm the doctor, you're my patient. And I'm about to remedy your illness, my dear Mr Peregrine." 

The man produced a sadistic grin and opened the lid to the incinerator where a tray was pulled out with tongs before (Y/n) was placed on the bed into the incinerator, locked in to experience pain beyond his wildest imagination. (Y/n) screamed so loudly anybody within a mile radius could've heard him, it was that excruciating. 

No matter how much he struggled, he could not escape the pain. The burning pain. In representation to being trapped in an incinerator was like being tossed into molten lava. No matter how much (Y/n) screamed, nobody would have any empathy and let him out. Nearly twenty minutes passed, then thirty, then fifty, then an hour. 

Still, it was not enough. 


(Y/n)'s screams became angrier, more fury-induced. The furnace he was locked in glowed brighter and brighter as did (Y/n)'s screams which would surely make him lose his voice for weeks. When the light dimmed, the scientist called for two men to extract (Y/n) from the furnace where they found the (h/c) man with minor major burns over his body that weren't severe. 

(Y/n) appeared with simple first degree burns as the doctors there were explicitly ordered not to treat (Y/n). Instead, (Y/n) was stowed on the bed he was tied to and strapped back down before being taken back to his room to fight through the excruciating pain. Tears began to form in (Y/n)'s eyes as all he wanted was to be back home. 

But Hydra had no sympathy. Hydra did not care. All they did was hurt and kill and lie. The scientist who made (Y/n) endure the second-worst pain in his life returned into (Y/n)'s sight with his clipboard before he gave (Y/n) his full, undivided attention. 

"My, you are special, aren't you? You marry the She-Hulk, you impregnate the She-Hulk, and now you've emotionally and psychologically hurt the She-Hulk. I must congratulate you for what you've done, soldier." The scientist spoke in sarcastic appraisal. 

(Y/n) remained silent and stared daggers at the scientist whose face he etched into the back of his mind. 

"Fine. Be silent if you wish. But once I'm through with you, you will vow to never talk again. You'll be Hydra's... forever." 

With the snap of his fingers, two men entered the room with equipment where (Y/n) became heightened with fear. The equipment the two soldiers came in with was placed directly behind (Y/n) as two clamp-like vices was placed comfortably on either side of (Y/n)'s head. From there, a controlled shock was delivered to specific parts of (Y/n)'s mind to erase every valuable memory. 


(Y/n) exhaled deeply. "Ready to comply." 

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