Under My Spell

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The alien invader known as Thanos, was put into custody in the inescapable supermax prison, The Negative Zone, where the heroes of Earth would discuss what they were to do with him and how they would go about interrogating the last Titan. Jennifer was in critical condition after being first to fall victim to Thanos' supreme power. 

Jennifer was kept in a stable yet critical condition at the nearest Avengers campus. The wounded were treated and kept in the medical wing of the facility while Jennifer was isolated with only (Y/n) and Elaine who sat by her side. Still fresh from her battle with Thanos, Jennifer looked horrible, in (Y/n)'s eyes. 

He went out of his way to clean up his wife's face as best he could but due to her swollen right eye, there was nothing he could do about that in concern of pressuring the injury. The back of (Y/n)'s fingers brushed Jennifer's cheeks, as a result the roughness of her skin. (Y/n)'s bottom lip trembled at seeing his wife so delicate and peaceful with a growing fear of her never waking up. 

Silence filled their ears excluding the heartbeat monitor that checked Jennifer's pulse. All (Y/N) prayed for was that it wouldn't flatline. All he wanted was for his wife to wake up from the coma Thanos put her in and tell her he loved her. 

"Daddy?" Elaine spoke huskily. 

(Y/n) glanced at his daughter as his frown weight heavily on his face. 

"Will mommy be okay?" 

He sighed. "I don't know. But I hope she is, kiddo." 

The sound of the curtains being pulled open revealed a woman with brown hair dressed in red and black clothes, a red cape that dragged behind her feet as she smiled comfortingly at the (h/c) man sitting beside his wife's bedside. 

"Hello, (Y/n)." The woman greeted him warmly. 

(Y/n) faked a smile and took ahold of his wife's cold hand. "Hey, Wanda." 

"I... I just wanted to share my condolences for Jennifer's situation. I'm also sorry for not being there. I was, I was busy with other personal things. How is she holding up?" Wanda began, her voice trailed off as she shyly rubbed her bicep. 

"She's been like this since we got here." (Y/n) responded, feeling the conflict within him as even trying to speak about his wife brought him strong angst. 

"And how are you, child?" 

Elaine bowed her head with her bottom lip pouted outwards. The brunette tisked and knelt down and began to brush hair from the child's face before she cupped her cheeks and pulled her into a hug. Wanda whispered something inaudibly into her ear before the young girl walked out of the room with her arms hanging by her sides.

"She is just going to play with my brother. Poor thing is probably bored in here." Wanda explained and replaced Elaine's company beside (Y/n). "(Y/n), I don't know if she's going to make it. I'm sorry to break it to you, but I think you should give up now while you still have your heart intact." 

"No!" (Y/n) barked. "She's my wife, my soulmate. I-I can't live without her. I need her..."

Wanda pouted and reached her hand across to touch his forearm.

"Can you... Is there any way you could cast some magic and revive her?"

"Darling, I'm a witch. Not a necromancer."


"That is, if I actually studied darker magic... Look, if there was something I could do, trust me, I would help. But I'm afraid I'm not a miracle worker. You'll just have to wait and find the results. And I'm telling you know, they're not looking good." 

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