Ride The Waves

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Life resumed normally for (Y/n) now that he was out of the hospital. Though being free of the hospital wasn't what (Y/n) was looking forward to. It was his wedding. It was a spectacular event every superhero waited for: the unity of both (Y/n) and Jennifer in holy matrimony. 

The location of the wedding was set to be held in Central Park where a large audience of heroes would witness the  evening take place. Excitement thrilled all who attended as heroes from all over came to that one place in New York City. 

Nerves began to gnaw at (Y/n), giving him every typical paranoia of something going wrong, especially being in the company of other heroes such as the Avengers, the X-Men and other worthy mentions. 

At the altar, stood (Y/n) in a tux as he waited anxiously for wedding music to commence once his bride appeared at the end of the aisle. Just as (Y/n) got caught up in his own thoughts, music blared through speakers which caused him to jump out of his suit. 

(Y/n)'s heart began to race in his chest upon setting his eyes on the Gamma Gal that walked slowly up the aisle towards her soon-to-be husband. The white face-covering veil over Jennifer's face concealed the pure happiness plastered on her face as she passed halfway to the altar. 

What came as a huge surprise to Jennifer was her father flying all the way to New York to see her off on her wedding day. After almost having her make-up ruined, Jennifer managed to compose herself and fix her make-up before they were due to walk up the aisle. 

Once Jennifer and her father, Morris, reached the steps to the altar, the sheriff of Los Angeles proudly unveiled his daughter's green face as she gave him one quick hug before motioning to meet her lover on the alter when she felt a tug at her arm. 

Curiously, Jennifer looked back at her father and noticed that he was struggling to refrain from crying. The green-haired woman pouted her bottom lip and whispered words of comfort into her father's ear which encouraged him to let her go. 

As Jennifer stood half a foot apart from (Y/n), Morris took a seat at the front row and watched proudly as the ceremony commenced with Scott Lang present to marry them. 

Scott smiled proudly at the couple and addressed everybody with a sincere tone in his voice. "Friends, fellow heroes, aliens, Asgardians and mutants alike, it comes with great pleasure that we are all gathered here today to witness this holy matrimony between Jennifer Susan Walters and (Y/n) Leslie Peregrine. So, let's just get right into it, shall we? Jennifer?" 

The bride giggled and gripped tightly on the handle of the bouquet of flowers. "(Y/n), for so long, I... I wondered if I would ever find my soulmate. Then, that one fateful day where I got a call from Samantha, she told me that she believed she had found the one for me. Ever since, you had my heart. You held it in your hands knowing that you had the power to cherish it or crush it. Those months we spent loving one another, you brought out the best in me; you showed me that I'm nothing without you, that you're my compass guiding me through this magnificent journey. I'm so blessed that I could spend the rest of it with you, (Y/n/n)." 

"And, (Y/n)?" Scott whispered, pursing his lips to suppress the humour he found in (Y/n)'s nickname from his bride. 

The (h/c) man glanced in Scott's direction before applying a soft smile on his lips at Jennifer. 

"Jenny-Poo," he began which caused a few snickers to catch their notice. "Words cannot express my love for you. Every day when I look at you, all I see is perfection. I'm not religious, but waking up next to you of a morning shows that there truly is a God out there. I vow to to cherish you, to comfort you, to hold you and kiss you and profess my love for you every single day; so you understand that I will never, ever turn my back on you, not even when you need me most because I will be there for you. This has to be the happiest day of my life, marrying the woman of my dreams. Jennifer... I love you, sweetheart." 

Jennifer's eyes began to shine as she had to raise a finger to her eyes to carefully wipe away tears to avoid ruining her mascara before she handed the bouquet to her maid of honour, Janet. 

"The rings?" Scott requested. 

Both Janet and (Y/n)'s best man and best friend, (b/f/n) produced the rings and handed it to the bride and groom. 

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine." Jennifer began, speaking figuratively knowing that she and (Y/n) lacked the physical components they spoke of as she slid her ring on (Y/n)'s ring finger. 

"With this candle, I will light your way in darkness; with this ring, I ask you... to be mine." (Y/n) finished and slid his ring on Jennifer's ring finger. 

Proudly, Scott concluded the ceremony and said, "And so, by the power vested in me by the state of New York, it comes with absolute honour that I now pronounce you both man, and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

(Y/n) raised himself up on his tippy-toes so that he could easily reach Jennifer's lips without her having to bow her head too much. Once they initiated the kiss, the whole audience broke into applause and cheered and whistled the newlyweds. 

"We did it, baby," whispered (Y/n). 

"Yeah... we did." 

The audience cheered and whistled as almost everybody held pleasant expressions excluding those who lacked emotion or had their faces concealed by masks or helmets or hands; Asgardians that were invited drew their weapons and raised their arms out to glorify the newlyweds under the name of their righteous king. 

(Y/n) and Jennifer linked arms as the couple began to make their way down the aisle to attend the wedding banquet where only those exclusively invited could attend. Those invited consisted of the Avengers, X-Men and the Fantastic Four who were honoured to be invited. Finally, Jennifer and (Y/n) achieved almost everything they could ever hope for. 

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