So Much For A Pleasant Morning

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It was early that Monday morning where Jennifer woke up refreshed and no longer drenched in sweat. Her arm automatically stretched across the bed when she found an absence that left her curious. It wasn't very often that on (Y/n)'s days off he would get up early. After having that strange vision, Jennifer drowned it out by going to have a shower then have a big breakfast.

The shower did Jennifer good as the hot water helped her relax before she stepped out the shower and mind where her head almost hit the upper door frame. The green-skinned woman let out a sigh as she changed into a black and grey square patterned knee-long skirt and a sleeveless shirt underneath the grey striped jumper she wore on top.

Strutting out the bedroom, the scent of cooked bacon tickled Jennifer's tastebuds. Jennifer entered the kitchen where she found her husband dressed in his pyjamas with a pink apron that was appointed Jennifer's for being the other person who cooked in the household. Due to the short-sleeved clothes he wore, Jennifer's gaze admired his body.

When (Y/n) got the feeling he was being watched, he peeked over his shoulder and noticed a green-skinned woman standing at the corner that connected to the kitchen and smirked to himself as he took his time to conclude cooking eggs before he greeted his wife good morning. The two embraced in a hug and shared a tender kiss as (Y/n) still had to stand on his tippy-toes to reach his wife's lips.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Mm. Good morning, handsome. Is that bacon and eggs you're cooking?"

"Mmhm. One sec."

When (Y/n) slipped out of her arms, he retrieved a spoon and fed his daughter baby food which took a few seconds on account that the infant hadn't gobbled her food into her mouth as some had dribbled out which he had to shove back in with the spoon.

"Now, where were we?" (Y/n) asked seductively that it made Jennifer break into giggles over the not-so-very-flirty comment.

(Y/n) wrapped his arms around Jennifer's neck and pulled himself up so that he was more sufficient in matching her height as her arms clutched onto him by his lower back as the two affectionately made out for a while until (Y/n) had to resume making breakfast. Jennifer sat herself down beside her daughter and fed the infant whilst (Y/n) put the bacon and eggs on plates for the two to consume.

"Hey, have you heard from Bruce, lately? The man seems to have just gone and disappeared on us." (Y/n) inquired.

Jennifer looked at him curiously and shook her head.

"Hm. I've been meaning to ask him whether he wants to hang out, but... I wonder if he's gone to Rio again?"

"Remember what happened the last time he was in Rio?"

" 'Big Monster Sighted In Soda Factory'. You know, it's a wonder somebody like Talbot and Ross don't go after you?"

"Well, that's because I'm in full control of my body. And I'm one of the best lawyers in the world. They can't afford to go against me and lose. Too much bad press."

"Well, I should probably warn them: don't mess with my wife."

Jennifer's smile widened when she noticed her lover stare at her with love-shaped eyes.

"What?" Jennifer purred.

"I'm married to the most amazing woman in the world, in the universe, even. Are you sure you didn't fall down from heaven? Or did I ascend to heaven?" (Y/n) sighed in admiration for the green-skinned, green-haired, green-eyed woman that was his love, his life, his wife and his soulmate.

Jennifer looked over at her daughter and stabbed the baby food with the small spoon. "Open wide, sweetie-pie."

(Y/n) sniggered and murmured to himself, "Where have I heard that before?"

Jennifer took notice of this and ignored his cheeky comment before she resumed eating her breakfast. The family dressed themselves decently before they went out for a morning stroll. Citizens had noticed the large, green woman wandering in their presence and thought nothing of it. (Y/n) was constantly on edge as it reminded him of being ambushed by thugs.

His only reassurance came from his wife who walked right beside her husband who pushed the stroller the baby sat in, enjoying the ride. They then took a shortcut through a park then back around a few blocks before they made their return home when a pair of young girls approached them in confidence and kindly requested an autograph from the legendary She-Hulk.

Heartfelt, Jennifer obliged and scribbled her name on a piece of paper the young girls provided before they went their separate ways. (Y/n) didn't take his eyes off his wife as pleasant thoughts ran through his mind, all such positive things which then alluded to him undressing his wife with his (e/c) eyes.

"Stop staring at me like that, (Y/n/n), or else you'll find yourself walking around in public with an visible hard-on." Jennifer teased.

(Y/n) blushed and returned his attention to the footpath in front of him when the superheroine noticed something very tall and blue in Times Square where a large audience could witness the message being delivered to them. As the family drew closer, they came to realise just whom was threatening Earth.

"... and I expect them here ready to fight. If they aren't, I will do this to your whole stinkin' planet." A deep, gravelly voice boomed city-wide.

"Oh God..." Jennifer muttered under her breath.

(Y/n) squinted his eyes at the hologram when he realised that the intelligence of a brawny beast would be explained by the unity between both egos. A beaten and bloodied Black Bolt was presented to the people of New York in representation of what the warmonger promised to do to New York unless the city was evacuated. He wanted war, he was going to get war.


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