Mrs Peregrine

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The grip on (Y/n)'s throat was released. He found his footing and coughed heavily as one hand came up to his throat with the other planted on the ground when he felt a pair of hands cup his cheek. The roughness of Jennifer's hands softened at the touch of her lover's face. 

(Y/n)'s head was brought up so that the young couple could look at each other in the eyes. The glisten in her green eyes warmed (Y/n)'s heart knowing now that Jennifer was back in control. 

"Oh, (Y/n)... I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry," sobbed Jennifer. 

"Hey. It's okay. You didn't mean it. I know you, Jennifer. It wasn't your fault. You just got a little angry, a little carried away..." (Y/n) whispered and pulled her into a hug. 

"B-But I could've k-killed you... I, I could've--" 

"Look at me. Jennifer, I love you. You are the most amazing human being on this planet. I don't care what you may think of yourself, it's not true. You're better in every way. You're stronger in every way. You are the one in control, not She-Hulk. You got me?" 

Jennifer sniffled and managed a weak smile at the (h/c) before meeting her lips with his. 

"Do you really mean it?" 

"The 'I love you?' " 

Jennifer hummed and nodded her head.

"Of course, babe. C'mon. Let me hear you say it." 

Jennifer bit on her bottom lip and uttered, "I love you, (Y/n)." 


With the clearing of one's throat, the two lovebirds' attention was stolen onto Jennifer's teammates who offered consolidation to the green-skinned woman who remained in physical contact with her boyfriend. 

The couple were escorted to the team jet alongside the team archer, Hawkeye, while a few others remained behind to search the wreckage before they made their return to the Avengers Mansion. 

As soon as they returned to the mansion, the first thing (Y/n) and Jennifer did was flee for their room. The ripped clothing Jennifer wore was discarded as the green-haired woman stripped down to nothing and made her way into the shower. 

Jennifer stood there, head bowed as hot water hit her neck and ran down her naked body. Her hands shook violently as she stared at her palms where she imagined there to be blood of innocents claimed in her outbursts. 

The horror in her mind replayed the scene where she held her beloved (Y/n) by his neck as he let out strangulated noises, words choked out as he professed his love for her until she regained control over herself and let him go.

 A whimper escaped Jennifer's lips as she covered her mouth with one hand and crossed her arm under her breasts as tears began to run down her face as the unbearable thought of killing the only good thing in her life shook her to her core. 

"Jenny? You okay, babe?" (Y/n)'s voice sang out, snapping Jennifer out of her thoughts as she took deep breaths before submerging her head under the shower head to kill off any traces of tears by masking it with shower water. 

"I-I'm fine, (Y/n/n)." Jennifer replied dismissively. 

(Y/n) poked his head into the bathroom and stared at his girlfriend with a frown on his face. He could tell she was unwell due to having another traumatic experience of going berserk in her She-Hulk form. 

"You don't have to get rid of me, Jen. I'm here for you. All you need to do is ask. Look, I know you don't want to talk about what happened but I can assure you I'm fine. I'm still alive, aren't I? You can't hurt me because I know you won't hurt me." (Y/n) said reassuringly as he brought his whole body in the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe. 

Jennifer shook her head in dismay. "I'm a monster, (Y/n). You don't deserve to be with me--" 

"The hell I don't! We need each other, Jen. And believe me, you, you need me more than you say you do - I'm all too aware of it. Why do you think I'm still here." 

Her features softened as she tilted her head to the side and pressed herself against the wall of the shower and slid down it until she was sitting on her bottom with the shower head still pointed at her. 

(Y/n) took off his clothes and joined her where he knelt on one knee and took her closest hand with his other hand on top and gave it a squeeze. Jennifer crooked her head at him and managed a smile to let him know that she was feeling better when she felt something drop into her hand. 

Curiously, she watched as (Y/n) removed his hands from her and watched intently as she discovered a ring in her hand that was larger than any normal ring due to her size, yet when she slid it on her left ring finger, it was a perfect fit. 

"Oh my God... (Y/n)?" Jennifer muttered wordlessly as she admired the ring more closely. 

"Too soon?" (Y/n) asked with a worried expression. 

Jennifer smiled and shook her head. "No, baby. It's perfect." 

"No, you are, soon-to-be Mrs Peregrine." 

Now satisfied that she was back to her normal happy state, (Y/n) cupped Jennifer's cheeks and kissed her so passionately her hands dropped into her lap as he delivered a kiss so magical she was left stunned when his lips left hers.

 Mesmerised by the man who was dedicated to her both body and soul, Jennifer sighed happily at him as if she were experiencing a fantasy love story. 

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