With A Burnin' Heart

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"Who the hell is (Y/n)?" The pyro questioned nonchalantly and raised their palm up to cast fire at the She-Hulk. 

A ball of concrete was thrown at (Y/n)'s head, instantly knocking him out as Jennifer whipped her head in the direction the ball was thrown and spotted a young boy smacking dust off his hands and smiled coyly at the green-skinned heroine. Jennifer gave a smile the boy's way before she approached the body that belonged to her husband and carried him over her shoulder. 

People speculated over the identity of the person Jennifer was carrying towards the Avengers Mansion. By the time she arrived at the front gate, she was welcomed by Jarvis who gave a comforting smile her way as she delivered her husband to a cell underground. Soon enough, the attention of the team was brought to the guest as Jennifer struggled to compose herself. 

"Where the hell did he get powers from?" 

"Why did (Y/n) do this?" 

"What will the public think when they found out what he's done?" 

"They won't look at us the same again." 

"I bet Hydra was responsible." 

"You think Le Fay did this?" 

All the speculation from her teammates irritated Jennifer to the point that she lashed out at them in a fit of rage they knew that she needed time to herself. Everybody but Janet left the room as both women stood outside (Y/n)'s cell as the (h/c) man experienced traumatic memories whilst unconscious. 

"It was Hydra, wasn't it? They did this to my (Y/n/n). I'll kill 'em. I'll kill them all; rip 'em in half, chew off their heads, break off their legs and shove it up their asses until they have toes for teeth!" Jennifer grumbled as her voice became excited until Janet managed to calm her down. 

"Calm down. We'll figure this out, Jennifer. Whatever they did to him, the others will fix it. We could get Wanda to--" 

"But he's my husband! And I wasn't there for him!" 

"You didn't know. It's not your fault--" 

"You weren't there! I-I said terrible things I regret... I, he doesn't even remember me, Jan." 

Janet made a confused expression when she recalled looking over reports from previous Avenger missions where individuals were regarded with memory wipe and being brainwashed. It began to make sense that the purpose for (Y/n)'s memory loss but what they couldn't understand was the powers he'd developed out of the blue. 

After taking a blood sample, even an intelligent individual like Hank McCoy couldn't comprehend how it was possible. Coincidentally, as Janet pondered about what the blue-furred beast, Hank McCoy walked in and drew the attention of both women onto him as he observed his medical report to explain as simply as he could. 

"It appears that our esteemed (Y/n) here has always contained mutant genes in his DNA," began Hank. "As I was examining his genes, something else had caught my attention. (Y/n) has had recent exposures - in the past six months at the least - to extreme heat conditions. I have also discovered that (Y/n) had strained his voice box to a degree that it has taken much, much longer than normal to recover fully. As for the suit, possibly to insulate his rage as he exposed his fire powers similarly to that of St. John Allerdyce, the Australian mutant." 

"S-So, what you're saying is... (Y/n) got thrown into a lava pit to trigger his powers?" 

"Hm. A lava pit? Bit far fetched, no? Perhaps an incinerator. Locked in a furnace for a prolonged time, which as a result, leads to him straining his voice box from the temperatures that bothered him. Mind you, these temperatures exceed the one-thousand degree range. It's most likely he experienced something around the five-hundred range." 

Jennifer gasped and cocked her head in (Y/n)'s direction. "They did this to him...?" 

"I'm afraid so. After all, Hydra is known for its radical ideas and cruelty towards their... volunteers. I took the liberty to forward Wanda's presence. She should be here right about--" 

At that moment, another member strolled into the room. A woman with curly brown hair stood shyly as she was observed with harsh stares from her teammates when the young woman approached the Gamma Gal with a sympathetic expression now formed on her face. 

"Hello, Jennifer. Long time no see," greeted the smaller woman. 

Jennifer provided a relieved expression and extended her hand out for the brunette to shake. "It's good to see you again, Wanda. I cannot thank you enough for what you're doing for (Y/n)." 

"It's no biggie. After what happened to Sergeant Barnes, I suspected my uses would soon return. But, I did not expect... How is he coping?" 

"We just got here not long ago. Hank told me everything and now all we need to do is talk to (Y/n). That is, if he's willing to talk. Only God knows what those bastards did to my husband." 

The Black Panther approached and kindly interrupted. "Shall we get started, ladies?" 

Wanda nodded and entered the cell designed specially to encase enhanced individuals such as (Y/n) who now was only just coming around. The (h/c) man instantly set his eyes on the woman that entered his cell while all the others watched in anticipation as Wanda knelt down in front of him. 

"Hello, (Y/n). My name is Wanda. How are you feeling?" The brunette spoke in a soft, sweet, angelic tone that (Y/n) suddenly found entrancing. 

Hesitantly, he complied and responded in a strained, broken voice. Jennifer's heart ached upon hearing the damage dealt to (Y/n)'s vocal chords as the lingering thoughts of what torture her husband was forced to endure fuelled her rage yet remained as calm as possible. 

"What do you want from me?" (Y/n) asked sceptically. 

Wanda frowned. "I simply want to help you, (Y/n). Why won't you let me in?" 


"What do you remember, (Y/n) Peregrine?" 

Suddenly, there was a strain as (Y/n) fought whatever pain that inflicted his mind. (Y/n) let out a mad scream as the pain inflicted on him reached a magnitude level which resulted with Wanda being given no choice but to breach his mind in order to take control. When Jennifer attempted to breach the room, Janet extended her arm out, halting Jennifer in her tracks. 

A full minute passed until Wanda was able to gain control, therefore (Y/n) was pacified to the point he sat on his knees, his breath visible as he let out a slow exhale. Once Janet lowered her arm, Jennifer burst into the cell and skid on her knees in front of (Y/n) and cupped his cheeks. (Y/n) took several minutes before he returned to his senses and stared bug-eyed at Jennifer. 

"What's my name?" Jennifer asked in a hushed manner. 

(Y/n) gasped. "Jennifer..." 

(Y/n) stared blankly into her eyes when suddenly he broke down in front of everyone and hid his face in her chest whilst Jennifer stroked the back of his head and held him comfortably against her. The other heroes took it as their cue to leave, only (Y/n) and Jennifer remained in the cell. Another several minutes passed before (Y/n) had recovered to the point he could be escorted out of said cell. 

"How are you feeling?" Jennifer cooed. 

"Like shit." (Y/n) replied with a chuckle. 

Jennifer giggled. "I missed you so, so much, baby. These past few months without you were horrendous." 

"Don't worry, honey. Once we get home, I'm going to treat you like a Goddess and..." 

(Y/n) leaned into her ear and whispered such naughty things that it made his wife blush profusely as they made their return home to live our their lives as normally as possible. 

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