Justice Has Been Served

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In a courtroom filled with heroes both big and small, Jennifer stood beside her husband where the trial was to go through about (Y/n)'s fate. Even though Jennifer knew the alleged affair, she didn't let it bother her too much once the court case was in session. As every case Jennifer had gone through in the past, this one had to have been the one that carried the most struggle. 

A man with orange hair stood up and wandered his blind gaze around the room. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, what makes a hero - that's not a rhetorical question, by the way. What qualities, what traits, define someone as a hero? They don't need to have powers; they don't need to have super strength, or super speed or magic or the ability to heal super fast or turn invisible or set yourself on fire. I mean, what makes people see you as a hero?" 

The audience remained as silent as a morgue, keenly feasted their eyes on the ginger-haired blind lawyer. 

"It's about the sacrifices made to achieve greatness. For example, when Captain America dove a plane carrying what could amass to a small nuke headed for New York into the ice. Everyone in this room has done something heroic in their lifetime, whether that's part-time or full-time. Here, we have someone who's done nothing but make people victims of carnage and trouble. A man who is metaphorically the trigger finger for a berserk She-Hulk- not that I have anything against a fellow Avenger and layer. How can people put their trust in a private organisation when their own ambassador for peace between heroes and the people was involved in two major casualties: assisting Thanos in attacking Earth; unprepared and severely handicapped in the presence of Earth's Defenders, as well as the murder of Colonel James Rhodes."

A murmur rang out through the crowd in both agreement and disagreement of what Matt Murdock was conveying towards them, some of whom reached out to a couple fellow heroes notably.

"Not only is he devious in his ways of promoting partnership between humans and mutants, but he has also held an affair with a fellow Avenger. And what does that prove? That he is not as pure as we all thought. He's a manipulator and a liar who has his actions speak louder than his words. I say we lock him up forever before he ends up unleashing a savage She-Hulk on our streets before more death and destruction follow."

Tje case went on longer than expected until Jennifer was able to provide her closing statement - her big finish in convincing everyone that her husband was not the alleged killer and kidnapper they accused him to be - on such forged charges that those who were against felt deep shame for now that they were about to lose. 

"Jennifer, your closing statement?" The judge, an inhuman, requested. 

Jennifer nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Medusa. We live in a crazy world. We live in a world of costumed heroes, costumed villains, mutants, inhumans... and every day science fiction comes closer to science fact. And every day, corruption and a lack of accountability seem to be choking us all to death. But it is at these times that we as a people must never forget the values that we have all sworn to uphold." 

Those in the room listened intently knowing that despite having another talented lawyer, they would not win even if they considered it biased. 

"My husband is no cheater. He did nothing wrong. Yes, the video evidence may claim otherwise, but he is a faithful husband, a dedicated father and most of all, he has been the voice for all heroes, mutants and inhumans. And now, the people whom he had fought for - their rights and their freedom - are accusing him of murder, kidnapping and holding an affair. How would the public feel about these charges? How would it make the Avengers feel when they're supposed to make better change? What heroes would like is to send him to prison for being an unwilling puppet. We as a society have to be very careful about punishing people for misjudgement. We assess a situation and act to prevent things from escalating further." 

The people in the room stared emotionless at the green-skinned woman gave everyone a fair stare from her determination to defend her husband. 

"You don't have to like my client. I'm, frankly, crazy about him. Yes, he's my husband, but I am fully aware of my husband's behaviour. But we can't persecute someone we don't like nor what they think about. We cannot punish someone for a crime they didn't commit. In conflict with the evidence put against my client, we have to consider his point of view that still goes unnoticed. This was all just a plot to frame my husband for some deranged plot. For all we know, Wanda isn't who we thought she was, or maybe someone was puppeting her to do what she did or even someone posing as her did what they did - in hope of having an enraged She-Hulk tremor through the bustling city of New York. In conclusion, my husband is an innocent man, and this is not his plot. Thank you."

The whole room sat intently with what Medusa had to say inregards to both lawyers' views on the fate of (Y/n) Peregrine. It had taken a full minute of silent discussion to decide the victim's fate until they came forward with their decision. With a bang of the gavel, (Y/n) was declared a free man.

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