Mutant And Proud

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Upon return to their home, (Y/n) and Jennifer walked in and found her father holding Elaine against his shoulder, patting the infant's back. Morris became as pleased as Jennifer was now that she had her husband back in her life. Their acknowledgement was short and sweet as Jennifer felt the need to hold her daughter before she held out the infant to her husband.

As soon as (Y/n) took ahold of his daughter, the infant instantly broke into tears to the confusion of all three adults. (Y/n)'s brows knitted together in confusion of why Elaine had burst into sadness so suddenly. Jennifer took back her daughter and patted her on the back when they noticed she had ceased her irregular outbursts. 

"Very odd... So, what're you kids gonna do now?" Morris asked curiously. 

Jennifer glanced at her husband and grinned, her smile went from ear to ear whereas he did not replicate her affection. Her spouse whipped his head in her direction and formed a plastic smile to ease her worries. 

"I think Jenny and I will spend some quality time together..." 

"So I guess I'll leave you two to it." 

"Thank you for stopping by, dad." 

(Y/n) mumbled under his breath, "In the bedroom." 

"Of course. When do I get to see my little girl?" Morris teased whilst oblivious to (Y/n)'s last comment. 

"Daddy! I'm a grown woman." Jennifer argued. 

"You'll always be my little girl. My darling little Jenny." 

The two exchanged kisses on the cheek as Jennifer saw her father out the door. As soon as they were free of his company, Jennifer grinned mischievously at her husband and scampered off to put her daughter in her cot before she pressed herself up against him and cupped his cheeks tenderly as if she was first experiencing her super strength. 

(Y/n) smiled tenderly and closed his eyes as the pair closed the distance between their faces, inches away from making lip contact when the sound of a phone ringing interrupted them. Not by coincidence, but by luck that Jennifer and (Y/n) were interrupted in which the green-skinned woman hastily picked up the phone yet sounded cool, calm and collected. 

"Hello? Yes? Who is this?" Jennifer spoke in a false sweetness. 

"Oh, hey Jennifer! It's Janet. Um, is (Y/n) there?" The feminine voice responded, sounding surprised to hear Jennifer pick up the phone. 

"Suuure. Can I ask why?" 

There was some hesitation on the other end of the line, yet Janet was able to save it by producing something reasonable. 

"Hank just wanted to run some more tests. He, he thinks something's wrong with (Y/n)." 


"I didn't want to alarm you, Jen. It's just... we think (Y/n) is dying?" 

Jennifer's heart sank in her chest once Janet was able to get her words out. Slowly, Jennifer craned her head around to her husband and noticed that he was no longer staring at her. Instead, (Y/n) was observing photos that hung on the walls and other items that made up the furniture in the living room including novels that caught Jennifer's interest. 

"... ello? You still there? Jennifer!" 

"I-I-I'm still here..." Jennifer answered as she started to fall on the brink of tears. 

"Look, I'm so, so sorry to be the one to break it to you. But it's important you get (Y/n) to the X-Mansion as soon as possible." 

When the call ended, Jennifer struggled to find the words to bring forward to (Y/n). (Y/n) gawked at his wife and noticed something was wrong before sudden courage allowed Jennifer to explain that his presence was required at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. A split second worth of hesitation struck (Y/n) as he maintained composure and agreed. 

The pair made their way out the front door when Jennifer latched her hand around (Y/n)'s waist and performed a strong leap that made them soar through the sky. The singular leap dropped them off in the playground of Charles Xavier's school, the force of their landing created a small tremor that stole the attention of all within the school as visitors were sent to greet them. 

A six foot man coated in organic steel form stood beside a smaller woman of average height who had a purple pet dragon perched on her shoulder. Beside them stood a man with visors and by his side was a woman with fiery red hair who had her arm wrapped across his back. 

"Greetings, friends," acknowledged Piotr. "We've been expecting you." 

Jennifer swallowed dryly and gave a shy wave their way. "H-Hey, everyone. So I guess you wanna talk with (Y/n) about... that?" 

"Of course, Jennifer. (Y/n)? Come with us, please?" The redhead, Jean responded coolly. 

Scott gave a comforting smile Jennifer's way as (Y/n) hesitated to leave his spouse's side until Piotr gripped his bicep tightly and escorted him into the school where the doors closed behind them. Jennifer raised her hand to her face and wiped a tear that ran halfway down her cheek. 

"Whatever they're doing, it's for the best, honey." Jennifer muttered to herself knowing that if she spoke in her mind, a telepath would catch what she said. 

Then, Jennifer took her leave to return home and drown her sorrows away from the appreciation of her wine cabinet. 


The sunlight elegantly lit up a waterfall which illuminated a small rainbow to shine across as a lone hunter sprinted across the forest, following the faintest trail only they could sense. After hours of searching, they eventually stumbled upon a cabin in the woods in a clearing. They stood in the shade, peering at the cabin which reeked of the source of the scent. 

Slowly, the hunter approached the cabin, squashing flowers and bugs underneath their boots until they began to walk up the three steps to the porch. Their hand pushed the door that was already opened slightly and peeked their head inside. It was at that moment that the scent they picked up was replaced with another foul stench. 

A half-naked man shivered in the corner of the room by a fire when the hunter acted in a hostile manner and harassed the terror-stricken individual. An argument broke out which resulted in the hunter producing two blade out of their hand with the third touching his victim's neck until a poor choice of wording resulted in the hunter impaling the timid man's abdomen. 

Then, the beast was let out of its cage. 


"Aw, crap..." 

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