There Are No Strings On Me

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"... ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I stand before you this morning to persuade you that my client, Reggie Seinfeld, is innocent to this trial. Why? Because the letter that was allegedly intercepted by officer Bickers had to have been single-handedly a falsification to incriminate Mr Seinfeld. In claim that the letter was written by a man with two less fingers is impossible to appear that neat. Observe." Jennifer addressed two rows of members of the jury.

Producing her neckerchief, Jennifer bandaged her hand, hiding her middle and ring finger underneath the fabric and demonstrated that it was impossible for one to write so neatly with just two fingers and a thumb.

The jury murmured all at once, the judge's mouth opened slightly at Jennifer and banged his gavel twice, silencing the court that was under his thumb. All he had to do was decide whether the prosecution or defence deserved a win.

"Objection!" The prosecution representative barked.

"Overruled!" The judge countered. "Mrs Peregrine, please continue."

Jennifer smiled, knowing that the way he acknowledged her meant she had this in the bag. To conclude the court case, Jennifer delivered a strong finale that left the judge satisfied before he gave her the winning. 

Her client congratulated her with immense pleasure that he could walk away a free and innocent man. Upon stepping out of the courtroom, Jennifer heard her phone ring and answered with full expectation of it being her beloved husband. 


"Is that famous lawyer, Jennifer Peregrine I'm speaking to?" A woman replied excitedly. 

"Samantha?! Oh my God! How are you? I haven't heard from you since I conceived Elaine." 

"I've been well, I've been well. Managing but not without my bestie. And how is that little bundle of joy? I heard from a little bird that you've moved in to a little house in New York. How is (Y/n) these days?" 

Jennifer giggled and observed the wedding ring on her finger. "Oh, he's just perfect. He's away, sadly, in Florence. But I know he's always thinking about me. But I really must thank you, babe. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now. I'm living the dream, Samantha." 

"So what are you doing these days besides Avengering and lawyering?" 

"Getting adjusted to the family life." 

"It's easier than it seems, Jen." 

"Easy for you to say. I don't see babies coming out of your... Look, I got a funny feeling about something. Just sit tight and I'll organise something. I'm just making my way to the Mansion then I'm on my way to fetch Elaine from her preschool. I'll ring you later." 


A strong quake gave troublesome vibes as the rumbling Jennifer thought of did not match the enormous tremor as a shadow loomed over New York. 

"Oh God..." Jennifer muttered as millions of figures soared across the sky. 

Within a matter of seconds, the world dove into utter chaos. Blood-curdling screams left the mouths of civilians who were silenced as lasers were fired from the fingertips of robots that exterminated humans like vermin. 

The heroes of the world were horrified as the overpowering of the enemy resulted with tragic demise as Jennifer dropped her bag and sprinted her way home when robots began to descend and slaughtered more innocent people in the streets. 

Just as Jennifer was running along her street, her eyes set on her home down the road when she heard a masculine scream from inside her home. Jennifer charged into the door, busting it off its hinges as she sprinted upstairs when a robot appeared and kicked her through the wall. 

Back in the street, Jennifer groaned as the robot that attacked her began to gloat about just whom it was and that she was about to die. Enraged, Jennifer clenched her fist and slammed it into the face of the robot, making it go limp as it dangled from her hand. 

As she ran back inside, Jennifer searched every room upstairs until she found herself in the baby room where she found a body with their back to her. Jennifer's legs became wobbly as she stood beside the body when she collapsed on her knees and saw from the side something horrific. 

(Y/n) sat hunched over, lifeless. His body shielded an infant in his arms where there was a small hole going through his back and into that of the infant's. Jennifer let out a pained howl as she wrapped her arms around her husband's pale, lifeless body and cried, knowing that she had lost everything that she loved. 

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