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With the honeymoon underway, (Y/n) and Jennifer Peregrine took a trip to a typical holiday and honeymoon destination, Hawaii. At the Hyatt Maui Resort and Spa, the newlyweds revelled at their arrival to the resort where the sunset provided a magnificent view. 

The newlyweds quickly established their rooms at the resort where for the first time, they didn't know what to get up to. Fortunately for Jennifer, (Y/n) had something in mind. (Y/n) laid back on the bed, scrolling through channels on the television for something worth watching to pass the time. 

"Honey?" Jennifer called.  

Keeping his eyes glued to the television, (Y/n) replied with half-interest. "Yeah, babe?" 

"Does this dress make my butt look big?" 

At the mention of her body, (Y/n) darted his eyes to her then ran them down her body and back up to her bottom. 

"Dare I answer with honesty?" 

The corners of her lips curled upwards as she smacked his legs with the lingerie she extracted from her luggage. 

"Honey, you look amazing. You needn't worry about getting fat." 

"I'm not fat!" 

"Hey, you said it, not me." 

(Y/n) snickered as he was whipped with her black lingerie again and again. 

"I found this booklet about the Hyatt Maui Resort." (Y/n) began as he sat up while Jennifer continued to rummage through her luggage for her purple bikini. 

With interest, Jennifer stripped down to he bare skin to apply the bikini before adding thigh-long shorts and a buttoned white short-sleeved shirt. 

"There's a range of activities we can do: attend ceremonies and listen to songs and watch people dance, spa, gyms, stargazing, fitness and pool recreation, surfing... There's even golfing and shops and restaurants we can visit!" (Y/n) explained as he jabbed his index finger at the pages. 

"And what were you keen on doing first?" 

"You." (Y/n) replied quickly. 

Jennifer whipped her head at him as a blush crept on her cheeks at how quick he was to answer such a question that didn't hold sexual intent. But she wasn't against it. She was just hoping for another idea besides his top choice. 

Speechlessly, Jennifer stared at him until she was able to compose herself and said, "Oh, b-babe... you really want to be having sex for the entire honeymoon? I don't know where you first got the impression of honeymoon, but I'm very certain it involves more than just sex. Could you circle some of those things, uhm, for me, sweetheart?" 

"Waaay ahead of ya. You feeling okay? You've been a bit off since we got to the airport." 

"I'm fine." Jennifer replied dismissively. 

(Y/n) sat there with his eyes on his wife as the pen in his hand hovered over the gym and fitness activities. While he disregarded her attitude at first, he still kept in mind her overall behaviour that irked him as much as she was irked by what bothered her. 

Calling for his company, she and (Y/n) exited their rooms with their room keys in his possession and a towel as he followed her to attend what idea she had in mind to consume time until their designated curfew. 

When Jennifer told her husband what she had in mind, (Y/n) hung behind as casually as he could while the green-haired woman made her way through the resort to the pool to go for a swim. (Y/n) made a quick phone call to one of his trusted contacts and held a quick conversation. 

After several minutes, Jennifer began to make her way back to her husband and took the towel he presented to her and wrapped around her body while he carried her clothes for her. (Y/n) ignored the eyes of men in the area who perverted their gaze over his wife's body. 

Jennifer noticed (Y/n)'s irritation and said nothing about it knowing that (Y/n) knew she would never willingly hold an affair with another man, especially after just getting married. Once they were back in their room, the first thing Jennifer did was hide in the shower to rinse off the smell of chlorine. 

While it was a quick shower, Jennifer lingered in the bathroom for longer than (Y/n) expected and began to wonder why his wife was secluded in the bathroom. I wasn't until the twenty-seventh minute that passed when (Y/n) heard the bathroom door click open. 

"Hey. You okay, babe? You've been in there for quite a while. Is everything alright?" (Y/n) asked as he jumped at her and pressed his body against hers. 

Jennifer paced from one side of the room to the other as she silently provided encouragement to come clean with her husband. 

"(Y/n)... something has been on my mind for a while now... you and I never keep secrets with each other and I think it's time I get something off my chest. As you've seen, I've been pretty... distant with you. But the reason I've been this way is because--" 

"You're pregnant?" (Y/n) cut in. 

"(Y/n), beloved, please let met finish. I'm pregn--wait, how did you...?" 

"Tony knew, Reed knew, Hank knew, Janet knew, hell... how is it I'm the last to know you're pregnant?" 

"I-I-I was going to tell you - right now as a matter of fact - but it seems you already beat me to it." 

"We never really discussed this deeply, but... what are your thoughts on having a girl?" 

Kneeling at the side of the bed, Jennifer reached for (Y/n)'s hand and cupped it in hers as she stared longingly into his (e/c) eyes. 

"W-We're having a girl?" Jennifer asked weepily. 

(Y/n) chuckled. "Of course we are. Why do you think Bruce asked for a yearly blood test?" 

"Oh, Bruce. That's my cousin for you." 

"Sorry I spoiled the surprise for you, babe." 

Closing the gap between them, Jennifer kissed his cheek and climbed on the bed and saddled his waist. 

"How do you plan on celebrating?" Jennifer asked in a deep voice. 

"Surprise me, baby." 

And so, their honeymoon started off with a bang. 

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