There Is No Balance

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Five years later... 

Behind a desk, Jennifer sat tasking herself with legal matters in regards to her job as a lawyer that she found herself devoted to completing. A lamp provided substantial light on the desk as Jennifer sat in her suit, cross-legged as she scribbled notes in regards to her latest contract in the privacy of her room. 

Whilst her husband and daughter sat in the living room enjoying each other's company, Jennifer got caught up in her work and her train of thought when suddenly an outburst that rang out from (Y/n)'s voice startled her as he and his daughter began to cheer wildly at something satisfying on the television. 

"Why don't you ever play baseball, daddy?" Elaine inquired as their excitement settled momentarily. 

(Y/n) laughed to himself. "You know, I did... once. But that was a long time ago. Your daddy was in the major league baseball, sweetie-pie." 

Elaine gasped obnoxiously. "Really?! So, so why'd you stop?" 

"Ahh... had to focus on my life. I worked at an ice-cream store and I lived with on of the world's top gamers. Honest to God! Eventually, this girl he once dated connected me to this girl worth dating and it turned out that I was dating your mother." 

"Was mommy always as beautiful as she was when you met her?" 

"Of course. No doubt about it. It's just... she, she wasn't always green. But I love her unconditionally. We went on a date, and that's when something bad happened to mommy. We had to go to the hospital but she was fine after a while. It wasn't long after when I proposed and she said yes. One year later, then you were born - was your mother's idea to name you after your grandmother." 

Out of the corner of their eyes, the pair noticed a green figure appear in sight. 

"Are you two still watching the game? Do you two know what time it is?" Jennifer asked as she placed her hand on the wall and leaned against it. 

"Do you?" (Y/n) countered. "You've been working all day, honey. Don't you think you could use a break?" 

"And what would you suggest?" 

"A little walk in the park?" 

"Well, what time is it?" 

"Five thirty, I think?" 

"It's the afternoon already?" 

"No, it's Halloween. Of course it's the afternoon. You've been couped up in there all day." 

Jennifer rolled her eyes at his sarcasm and disappeared to change. Not two minutes later and Jennifer had returned in workout clothes that caused (Y/n) to spring up in excitement of her looks. She noticed this and bit her bottom lip before she called her daughter away to change into workout clothes. 

(Y/n) remained in the clothes he was in, simple and plain home clothes before the family of three began to jog along the footpath. It was a rather pleasant day out as (Y/n) knew what they were doing would help get his wife out of the house. Folks noticed who was out for a walk and gave friendly waves here and there. The pleasantries were reciprocated, giving (Y/n) relief that the times were indeed changing for the better. 

As they stumbled upon a playground, Elaine tugged at her father's hand to let him know where she was going as he gave her his permission before she sprinted off to join the children who revelled in spending time at the playground whilst (Y/n) and Jennifer slowly walked over, arms wrapped around each other's backs as they smiled at their daughter's happiness. 

"I couldn't be happier," said (Y/n). 

"I know." Jennifer replied quickly. "Aww. Look at her. She's made a friend." 

The happy couple stared at their daughter hang around a little girl with blue skin, a pointed tail and pointed ears as they both held hands as they climbed up a big slide before going down together. 

"I'm just glad somebody accepts her for who she is. I think you getting shot is the best thing that ever happened to us." 

Jennifer furrowed her brows at him when she realised that he did not intend his sentence to be taken harshly, but in a way that the course of events that brought them to where they were at that point in time. Even Jennifer pondered about what would happen if neither of them met, let alone if she had never become She-Hulk and other such alternate universes. 

"Yeah... not the best thing to happen to me, but, I'm glad things all lead to this." 

"Yeah, that's what I was trying to get to. Hey, what the...?" 

A sudden tremor shook the park from where a large figure stood as a dust cloaked the individual who dared to wage war with the heroes of Earth. When the dust settled, emerged a purple being in black and gold armour wielding nothing but a golden glove with six stones on it. Instinctively, Jennifer clenched her fists and raised her hand up protectively of her husband. 

A rage boiled throughout Jennifer's being as she let out a wild cry before she charged towards the being due to the danger they posed when they retaliated without the use of the strange gems on the glove as Jennifer didn't think she could possibly cope with the alien invader's sheer brutality as he gave no quarter and beat Jennifer something terrible. 

"STOP!!" (Y/n) boomed as his intervention made the purple being growl in irritation of the disruption. 

"What is the meaning of this?" The stranger questioned in a harsh, brute tone. 

(Y/n)'s heart raced in his chest as tears threatened to fall at the sight of his wife being carried by the front of her shirt collar. Bruises and blood was Jennifer's new make-up as she let out a pained groan from her lips as (Y/n) was sure that she was not far from certain death. 

"P-P-Please... let her go." (Y/n begged. 

The stranger let out a chuckle. "And why should I do that? What could you possibly offer me in exchange for this pitiful soul's life?" 

Jennifer exhaled raspily as her swollen eye didn't help with picturing her husband stand off against a much stronger foe. Her arm reached out until it suddenly dropped from lack of strength due to her beating as her fate laid in (Y/n)'s hands. 

"Anything." (Y/n) murmured. "I'll do anything. I'll give you anything. J-Just let her live." 

"There is nothing you can give me, Terran. But... there is one thing." 

A splinter of hope arose in (Y/n) as he couldn't help but smile weakly at the proposition he prayed would fall into his favour. However, the being clenched his fist and placed his closed fist on Jennifer's temple and triggered the purple gem to send an electric shock through Jennifer's body which spasmed wildly. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP IT!!" (Y/n) screamed and tensed, unable to pry his eyes from his wife and her suffering. 

The alien grinned cruelly and muttered, "I want blood." 

By fortune was Jennifer spared when the Earth's second responder to the threat was armoured in a dark grey suit of armour and punched the purple alien in the jaw which made him lose his grip on Jennifer so that he could retaliate. Rhodey Rhodes saved Jennifer from her imminent demise and did what he could to clash stall the alien until his teammates could arrive. 

Unfortunately, what Rhodey could not anticipate in time was the being's fist that harnessed natural cosmic power to create a mini-explosion when his fist collided with Rhodey's abdomen. The sheer power that collided with his body proved fatal as it was too late when reinforcements arrived on scene. It took many to apprehend the alien yet it took far longer than necessary. 

Eventually, the battle was theirs. 

But at what cost? 

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