I'm The Juggernaut, Bitch!

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Two weeks after the incident with She-Hulk and A.I.M., the public had toned down their unsettlement and resumed their usual praise of the heroes. An unlikely friendship formed when one of the original members of the team introduced themselves to Jennifer and befriended her. 

On the rooftop of the Avengers mansion, the long-time girlfriend of the Ant-Man, Janet and Jennifer laid on wooden beach beds bathing in the sunlight. Both women were enjoying themselves when they heard something bomb the water, following water sprinkling on the tiles. 

Janet glanced at the commotion and noticed someone climb out of the water. A masculine body climbed out of the water where both women began to stare at him even though he was fully aware of it. 

(Y/n) smirked in the general direction of the two women and strut over to the end of the bed where his fiancé sat and placed his hands on his hips. 

"Rumours of your beauty have roamed far and wide, yet I see they hardly do you justice." (Y/n) said flirtatiously and winked at his fiancé. 

"(Y/n/n), stop it!" Jennifer giggled as she batted her eyelashes at him. 

"I finished sowing your suit. Brand new. It's in the wardrobe if you wanna put it on later. You two ladies getting along?" 

Janet hummed. "We're doing just fine, (Y/n). And from what I've been hearing from Jennifer, so have you. A little birdie told me you popped the question." 

Shyly, (Y/n) rubbed the back of his head as a nervous chuckle escaped his lips. "Yeah, well... not my ideal place to propose, but it's the thought that counts. So, what do you ladies plan on doing today?" 

"Shopping. Sorry, baby. Whole lotta girl stuff you wouldn't like." Jennifer replied quickly and tossed her sunglasses on the chair before diving smoothly into the pool. 

"Oh, come on! Who says I don't enjoy spending time with my fiancé shopping for new clothes?!" 

When Jennifer re-emerged, the light glistened off the water on her body. Seeing her so marvellously made (Y/n)'s heart race at the beauty of the woman. Where his gaze fell, the (h/c) main didn't notice the bulge in his pants whereas both women had to disagree. 

Jennifer remained in the water and giggled to herself as where her eyes lingered made (Y/n) realise just what they found amusing until he jumped in the pool to conceal his erection while Janet decided to give the two some privacy and shrunk in size before flying into the mansion. 

"You should really work on self-control, sweetie." Jennifer said teasingly and reached her hand underwater to flick his bulge. 

A blush crept on (Y/n)'s face as he smiled coyly at his fiancé. "Sorry, honey. I-I didn't mean to get so excited. It's just... you look so damn beautiful." 

Jennifer's cheeks blushed red at his compliment. Her top set of teeth bit down on her bottom lip in a seductive manner that (Y/n) found all the more adorable. Her pair of hands groped around his body, pulling him into a cuddle as his bulge fit easily between her legs as well as a roof. 

Their lips met and (Y/n) found himself under her spell once more. As her mouth devoured onto his, one hand came up to hold the back of her fiancé's head while the other worked its way down to the front of his pants, slipped through the fabric of his board shorts to grab ahold of his stiffy. 

She then began to stimulate him as the jerking of her arm created a ripple effect with the surface of the water. Light moans escaped his lips as Jennifer continued to pleasure him before she suddenly submerged herself underwater to use her mouth before he came. 

Jennifer slowly rose up, water ran beautifully off her hair and her skin as she gave one last regard to her fiancé and climbed out of the pool and picked her towel to dry herself off before heading back inside to shower. 

It wasn't long after when (Y/n) followed after and took to doing some work to pass the time while his fiancé and her teammate went shopping. Later that day, the two women began to make their way back to the mansion with shopping bags hanging from their hands when they sensed that trouble was near. 

In the distance, screams of terror could be heard as people stampeded across the road as a rumbling became stronger and stronger. The two women disposed of their shopping inside the car they took for their drive and readied for a fight. 

A ten foot tall man flipped cars with his hands and kicked over trucks when both women went to face him. Thumping her fist into her palm, Jennifer raised her voice at the man dressed in red armour with a dome-like helmet over his head when he waggled his fingers at her, gesturing for Jennifer to attack first. 

Jennifer made her run-up and leapt up at the villain, her left hand punched the face of his helmet which knocked him onto his hands and knees. When he got back up to his feet, he and Jennifer reared their arms back and threw their hands at each other. 

Being the bigger opponent, the man in red caught her fist and punched her with four strong hooks before he groped his arms around her body and gave her a squeeze. When he let her go, she didn't get a chance to retaliate as he continued to beat her until she found an opening. 

With a firm uppercut, Jennifer punched the man in his gonads and grabbed his back and rammed him into a building before using a police car as a weapon and beat him with it while Janet shrunk in size and blasted the man where she could to give Jennifer as many chances as possible. 

"Don't you know who I am?" The man uttered as he spat out a few teeth. 

Jennifer huffed and punched him as much as she could until she was down to the car engine which she discarded before giving a good, firm punch that seemed to dent his helmet. 


In his second retaliation, Juggernaut tackled Jennifer and headbutted her four times before grabbing her firmly by the shoulders and raised her up when she grabbed ahold of his pinkie and dislocated it. 

As a result forced Juggernaut to let her go before clobbering her with his good hand. Janet grew in size so that she was twenty-five feet tall and slammed her foot down thrice on Juggernaut to ensure that he was rendered weak enough to be finished off. 

Juggernaut didn't quit. But it wasn't long after that Jennifer was able to incapacitate the villain where the authorities arrived to imprison him in Ryker's Island. Proud of their handiwork, the two women hopped in their car and took an alternate route to the Avengers Mansion. 

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