C3 - what im chasing

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...what i'm chasing

the wind begins to carry flurries of snow as the temperature drops. ymir thinks of conversation starters and ways to find herself closer to historia.

as she walks into school, sasha braus makes her way down the stairs towards the girl. the stairs are grand and dramatic to step down, but sasha has no trouble graciously leaping to greet her friend.

"hey, buddy. what's on your mind?" sasha stands straight a few inches under ymir, genuinely wondering what hid behind her eyes.

"hi sasha," ymir let a small smile squint her face. "i'm just a bit worried about the test for fourth hour."

but ymir didn't look worried. she looked deep in thought, she was wondering. thinking about something, someone. sasha examined ymir; her eyes, her breath, her stance. "wow...never thought you'd lie to me."

ymir's stomach hurt at the face of her friend. sasha frowned and avoided eye contact.

"sasha, don't get so in your head. i'll tell you all about it later, okay? just not here..." ymir locked eyes with sasha to reassure her.

sasha has always had trouble with being a people-pleasure. she didn't know how to say no, couldn't recognize when people were using her or being genuine. "it's not that i'm keeping things from you. i just know you'll get too excited to contain yourself."

sasha's eyes lit up.

"see," ymir rolled her eyes. "before even telling you what happened, you're already bouncing."

"i can't wait! i seriously can't wait, ymir. tell me now." sasha's eyes bore into ymir's soul, begging in anticipation. she gripped ymir's shoulders, slightly shaking her with each word.

"i really don't want to be outed in front of the entire school, sasha." ymir taunted her friend.

the two had known each other for years since they went to the same elementary school and junior high, but it wasn't until high school that their acquaintanceship turned into a lasting loyalty. they appreciated each other's company, the way they were brutally honest.

together, sasha presented her true being. it was ymir who stood up for sasha when nobody else would, or even noticed. she was grateful for the colossal girl, her intimidation came in handy.

but to sasha, ymir was only intimidating because of her gaze and her height. maybe in a different life, ymir wouldn't have been seen as so friendly to people who actually got to know her.

"so this really is about a girl," sasha played with her own feet. she felt her heart sing at the thought of her friend finally getting attention. "shit, ymir! i don't think i can make it through the day not knowing."

"i know...my life is just so interesting...come on sasha," ymir chortled. "it's not a big deal. just made some progress is all."

"wait...progress? so this is about a girl i already-oh."

ymir looked to the side with her hands in her pockets as sasha made the connection.

"...but you only talk about one girl. there's only one person you'd make 'progress' with. so it's finally happening," sasha looked distressed. she was internally freaking the fuck out. this news wasn't, "nothing". it was big. ymir made progress with the girl she's had a crush on since forever?

sasha nearly cried, "you deserve this so much, 'mir," the girl in front of her groaned.

"like i said, it's not that big of a deal. no need to get sentimental with me," but ymir secretly loved these moments. she was happy someone cared this much about her...to get this giddy over something so small.

i know you so well - ymir x historia Where stories live. Discover now