C6 - the pride in every light

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...the pride in every light

historia woke up to a room illuminated from the sun. the was air was cold and made her shudder as her head emerged from under her blanket.

outside below was inches of thick, heavy snow. phones rang followed by footsteps up stairs, knocking on doors, and mesmerizing words. news that made hearts flutter with relief.

"schools cancelled."

four blocks away, sasha screamed in triumph. pillows flew across the room and smiles lapped the ceiling as she snuggled back in bed.

and in the apartment a block from the school, ymir was awakened to her phone blowing up. with annoyance, she unlocked her phone and winced at the bright light. when she got the news, she wondered how she would spend her day.

historia shot up from her bed, leaving the comfort to silently cheer and dance around her room.

her brain was still too drowsy to form thoughts, but she left her room just in time to say goodbye to her parents. she watched as they drove off and struggled because of the snow.

they left some coffee and pancakes which she helped herself to gratefully. and soon she was back in her room checking for homework.

she dreadfully went through her emails, most of them being about winter formal. of course, she never went to dances because what would be the point? she didn't know anyone like that. though, it would be nice to have an excuse to dress up. aside from that, there wasn't any work she needed to do, so she opted for studio ghibli movies and ordered some food for later.

she didn't have ymir's number or anything. so she wasn't sure if she'd be seeing much of her from now and winter break. but she was still excited to have someone to think about in general.


it was too bright to go back to sleep at this point, so ymir flew downstairs to make breakfast. it was hard not to notice her missing mother. even with what sasha had said a few nights before, she didn't want to spend the day alone.

speaking of, maybe she could see sasha? but it would be a while before she woke up. and ymir couldn't see historia because they weren't friends like that yet. perhaps she could just spend the day doing nothing? but her mind was too busy to relax.

she sat at the table and ate her food, letting her mind drift and bounce between thoughts. and as ymir ate her breakfast, sasha groaned and began to drift back from her dream state. she washed her face and grabbed her phone before running down the stairs for food.

her dad left bacon, scrambled eggs, and fluffy bread. she rang ymir as she ate. even though she only had her father, her home was welcoming and safe. it was a place not only she felt comfortable in, but also a haven for ymir. the girl was always welcome at the braus' house.

ymir answered as she put her plate in the sink, preparing to do the dishes.

"what's up?" she positioned her phone on a shelf above the sink and rolled up her sleeves, gaining frustration every time her phone lost its balance.

"wanna hang out tomorrow?" sasha put her face close to the screen as ymir chuckled.

"sure, but what about school?" ymir looked up from the sink and let her brows furrow as she awaited a response.

"pfft," sasha spoke smugly. "we won't have school tomorrow. have you seen all the snow?" she glanced out the window to check the height of the snow just to be sure as ymir turned to the side to look out the glass door to the balcony.

"right...do you think we'll have off the whole week?" ymir watched the thick snowflakes circle the air and land all over the windows.

"probably. it hasn't snowed like this ever. and it's supposed to keep snowing at that," she yawned and filled her plate with more food while ymir played out different scenarios.

"yeah we probably won't. i guess we just have an extra week of break, huh?" ymir smiled and hoped they weren't jinxing it. it would be nice to be lucky enough to get an even longer break.

"yeah, and the weather is actually exciting!" sasha enjoyed the change of scenery every few months, unlike ymir, who hated being confined by the weather.

"it's pretty, but i hate the winter. i always feel so gloomy," ymir pouted and crossed her arms. sasha sighed and prepared her reply.

"maybe this winter will be different," she gave a consoling smile. "why don't we get sushi tomorrow?"

ymir tilted her head, "never tried it."

"...ever?" the other girl nodded. "what else have you never tried?"

ymir laughed, "i just never got around to it. i never knew what was good."

"don't worry, i'll show you. i can't believe you've gone this long....." sasha trailed off about the importance of trying new foods. the two spent the day on the phone enjoying the company. it was too cold to do anything, but by tomorrow they would be a little bit more prepared and used to the idea. ymir got her mind off her mother and sasha was so excited for tomorrow she was bouncing the rest of the day. historia finished way too many movies to be true and the three went to sleep after a calming day without any worries.

AN:// it took me ALL day to finish this 😭 and it's not even that long or eventful. next chapter will be much more exciting. love you all <3

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