~Request 19~

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Me: Okayy, this is more of a 'telling you guys something' instead of asking or daring. But that's fine! k_hix24 says...

Message: I would like for you to know that I'm sending Nova Knight to you all for 4 chapters. He will have a communication device Star Dream will use to contact him. I'll also give him full permission to do whatever he wants to do to you. I'll also be communicating to him through C.M.R.T (Controlled Micro Radio Transmit (I made it up)). Enjoy ^^. 
He shall also be able to receive requests for the time he's there!

Dark Star: Nya~... I think I forgot something back in Mirror World. *Teleports using dark magic*

Star: *Mutters* Sure you did...

Me: Aw, come on Star, you have to admit it was funny!

Star: Don't you dare start this again.

Kirby: But Star poy, it was funny!

Magolor: Star, you gotta admit it was. Just say yes and we'll leave you alone.

Star: No. Now leave me alone.

Me: Welp, it's rude to keep guests waiting! *Teleports Nova Knight here* Okay! Readers, for four chapters Nova Knight will be staying here, so feel free to ask him things too!

Nova Knight: And my master will help me answer them.

k_hix24: *Reading wattpad somewhere* Yep. 

Me: Settled! But because this feels so short, let me tell you what happened earlier... 

Or just give you a flashback.

Star: Author-Chan, I hate you. I won't even say strongly dislike.

Me: :3 I know you love me deep down somewhere in that stone coated heart.

Star: No. I do not at all. >B(

Me: Ooh! Quick note, if you read my poem book, I'll quickly tell you that the request for Galacta Knight is done! ^v^


Star was just minding her own business, practicing some sword skills, when suddenly- OY! MAGOLOR S- AH- ARGHHHHHHHHH GET BACK HERE YOU ANNOYING HALCANDRAN! I'VE GOT TO START OVER NOW!

Magolor: Nope. HAH- Oh wait, this is the funny story! *Sits in the chair* I'll behave.

Me: ¬_¬... Kirby keep that ultra sword ability on you just in case.

Kirby: *Transforms* Kay!


"Nya~! STAR HELP ME FOR GOODNESSES's sake! I DON'T CARE IF WE'RE ENEMIES JUST DO THIS ONE FAVOUR AND GET RID OF THESE MANIACS!" Dark Star cried, trying to escape two deadly creatures...

Shadow Kirby and Kirby.

"Poyo!!!!! You're so soft though!!!!" Kirby wailed, whilst Dark Star hissed angrily at them, "I swear if Dark does not fix that mirror I'll break him into pieces...!" 

"But he's the only one who can fix it..." Shadow Kirby giggled, "No, he isn't. But I'm not bothered to help, nya~... so he can suffer." 

Star twitched from the noise and warped, ignoring Dark Star's loud protesting and whining.


Sitting down, Star finally got peace...!

Ooh, whatcha doing~?

Of course, Author-Chan had to come along and ruin the moment. UwU.

Star rolled her eyes, "Leave me be, Author-Chan. You're supposed to be cleaning your room inside of wasting time."

I cleaned it. So shush. I even vacuumed this time UwU, without making more mess- XD.

Star again sighed, before ignoring the annoying Author-Chan.


Honestly, Star couldn't get a moment of peace. Sowwy. 

"FIRE AWAY!" "What n-" Star turned around, about to draw her sword, when something fell on her head.




Magolor and Kirby thought it was just a replica. But boyyyy, were they wrong.

"Hahaha! Sorry Star, but we just wanted to play a trick! It's so peaceful and bori- Star...? Are you mad at us? Sowwy, poy! We didn't mean to!" Kirby cut off, looking at his former mentor with panic.

"Oh, I'm just fine, Kirby. But unfortunately, you all must be taught a lesson of silence... permanent, deathly silence~!" the possessed Star attacked the two, whilst the lazy Author-Chan just ate ice cream.

"I wish Narrator-Chan... I'm fasting." 

Oh. In that case, just sitting around being lazy.

And as though on cue, Meta Knight came outside, asking, "What's happening? Why is Author-Chan not doing anything! I hate laziness. Why are you being lazy?!" 

"GEEZ! Go away, I don't need another Meta Knight's Revenge!" 

Sorry Author-Chan~! Anyway, Meta Knight ignored the cursing author and the cheerful, cruel Narrator-Chan, noticing something was wrong with the three in front of him.



"SIR META KNIGHT COME HELP US................ PLEASE?!" Those were the words! ^_^


"We're very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very sorry, poy." "Sorry won't fix all this mess." Star pointed out.

"Why don't you clean up then? It's only fair, I just cleaned my room."

Author-Chan suggested, laughing. Star held her tongue and used some dark magic to clean the small area and then warped, leaving the other three surprised.

"Nya~? What's going on...?" Dark Star purred, noticing three people were out of bed. It was already dusk?! Heck, where did the sun go?!

Kirby jumped into Magolor's hands, "Take me to my room, poy." he ordered, falling asleep instantly.

Magolor rolled his eyes and floated off, whilst Meta Knight warped.

":( I'm alone now, nya~..." Dark Star mumbled sadly. "Oh well. I don't need anyone or anything, anyway. Company and friends just make you weak and vulnerable! U_U." she declared stubbornly.

"I fixed that damn mirror. Happy?" Dark Meta Knight flew down. "No. Why aren't you asleep?! NO ONE STAYS UP EXCEPT ME!" Dark Star said.

"You're welcome... besides, why don't you ever go to sleep? Since you like sleeping so much during the day." 

"I have... things to do at night. Now get lost." Dark Star shooed him off, before deciding to go through the castle.


Me: OOOF THAT WAS MESSED UP. But meh. We ain't exactly normal. Isn't that right, Star?

Star: Go. Away.

Kirby: We said sowwy poy...

Magolor: She's just being grumpy.

Galacta Knight: You should not have said that...!

Me: Continue asking or daring~!

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