•1: Moving day

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Cambridge, England

Y/n woke up, knowing what day it was, she rolled over and fell asleep again. That unfortunately for her, didn't last very long since her brother came rushing in and jumped on her bed just to bully y/n. He knew how much she hated it when someone came waking her up brutally. So that was, of course, exactly what her brother did every time he had woken up before her, which was luckily for her, not often.

"Austin, go away!" She grunted while pulling the blanket over her head.

"But it's wakey time, I just wanted to help you wake up. I'm a sweet brother, remember." He said sarcastically with an evil grin on his face.

All y/n did was give him a mad look before getting out of bed and opening her curtains. It was already light outside which meant that she had slept quite long. She looked over at her alarm clock and her eyes widened when she saw that it was already past 10 am. She almost never sleeps in. 

"What's up with that ugly face of yours? You saw a rat or something?"

"Shut up, and get out of my room!" She snarled at him before making up her bed.

She finished and looked up. Her brother was still in her room, annoying her by dancing in the doorway. She saw him and suggested he should go on ballet if he liked dancing in front of girls so much. He scowled at that, though continued to do his weird dance move that started to look concerning much like the WAP. Y/n rolled her eyes and pushed him out of the doorway whilst passing him to go to the bathroom.

"Y/N, THAT HURT!" she heard Austin yell from behind her. "Aw sorry dear brother, should I ask mom to give you a kiss where I hurt you?" She replied turning around and giving him a sarcastic pouty face.

Her brother was a year older and much taller than her, but that didn't stop her from teasing him. It sometimes turned into a sibling fight but we all know that those never get finished because of angry mothers. Or well that at least was the case in their family. They never hurt each other very badly since deep down they did care for each other, but they never minded giving their sibling a slap.

She arrived at the bathroom and went inside to take a shower and brush her teeth and hair. With water running over her, she remembered it again. "It is moving day!" she shouted with wide eyes. Y/n didn't yet figure out if she was enthusiastic about this or rather sad. 

Their mom decided to move to Germany to 'have a fresh start" as she called it. She intentionally came from there, but when she'd met y/n's dad on a vacation, she decided to move to England. And they stayed there, until now at least. Although they had often gone on vacation in Germany, moving there was still a big step. 

Y/n and Austin's dad had left them at a very young age, which still hurt y/n a lot but there was nothing to do about it. 'Besides the people who took him away from us had their reasons, it might've been way worse if he had stayed' Y/n had always told herself, to take away the craving for her dad to come back.

So now after all these years, still living in the same house as back then, they decided to go to another country. Even though it wasn't at the other side of the world, it did feel like it. Life in Germany was completely different than in England where they'd grown up in. Even the school system was different. It sucked a little since she had already applied to Cambridge University and her teachers had told her that she had a good chance to get in. But she knew that chance was gone now. 'Germany probably has good universities too' she thought.

She hurriedly washed herself with the water running down her body and made herself believe that Germany would be just as great as Cambridge. Hopefully, she won't be wrong. Y/n got out of the shower and walked to her closet to put on a comfortable outfit since they had a long road trip ahead of them. There weren't many clothes she could choose from as almost everything was already packed and put at the front door. That's why she chose a basic outfit existing out of sweatpants and a baggy shirt.

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