•10: fight or flight

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Y/n went on two other dates with Max. And on the last one he had asked her to be his girlfriend.

It came as a shock to y/n, just out of nowhere. But she had said 'yes' because somehow it just felt wrong to say no. After all the effort he had put in the dates and how sweet he always was, she felt like she had to say yes.

She doesn't regret it, though. It feels nice to have someone to vent to about her shitty days and to cuddle when she wants to. Or someone who sees her as his priority.

But they don't ever top the cuddles she had shared with Lena in her first months at school. And the conversations are nice but never as entertaining and long-lasting as they were with her. Lena.

And most of the time, she doesn't even mope around, feeling miserable because of Lena letting her almost die in a ditch anymore.

Well. Keywords: most of the time.

Today, particularly at lunch time, was an exception.

Lisa had for once dragged y/n to their lunch table because she missed their 'rumours-time chit chat' -her words- and since Lisa is stronger and more manipulative than she looks, y/n had caved and sat down at their table.

Everything was all games and fun at the beginning but then Lena and her clingy ass- bunny, showed up at the table. And
y/n's appetite was gone.

She knew she couldn't sneak away because Lisa would 100% stop her before she'd even so much be able to sling her foot over the bench in attempt to escape.

So staying put and ignoring these two seemed like her best option, until she noticed Maxim looking at her and waved him over.

And as said earlier, y/n is his first priority so he left his friends to come sit with her. And then almost-hell broke loose. Or at least to y/n and Lena.

Max had cuddled up against his girlfriend and if Lena wasn't already scowling, very subtle though, she definitely was now. But apparently only y/n seemed to notice that.

"And you are?" Lena asked with obvious annoyance in her voice, which, again, only y/n noticed somehow.

Maxim gave y/n a confused look before turning to Lena and smiling friendly at her. "I'm Maxim but everyone calls me Max, and since short I'm also y/n's boyfriend." He gave her a beaming smile and care sparkling in his eyes, before dipping down to kiss his girlfriend. Breaking apart with a proud smirk on his lips.

"Oh" Lena seemed taken aback for some reason but y/n decided to ignore that. "Well I'm Lena and this is my girlfriend Grace, she's a genius in music." She introduced them.

"I didn't know that yet. Well, Max is also a genius but then in soccer, and he's top of his class." Y/n snarled at Lena with a fake smile.

For a second, y/n noticed burning anger on Lena's face, but it was gone before she could think more of it. "Well Grace has been at the top of her class for years and last year she even was class president."

It was turning into a 'who has the better partner' battle, everyone had gone silent and a few of their friends were shuffling very uncomfortable in their seat. "I bet she doesn't score the most goals of her sports team and can't run as fast as Max" y/n threw back at Lena.

"Well I bet Max can't play songs as beautiful as my princess can. Or even play an instrument at all." Lena's voice became heated and if someone noticed, no one said anything about it.

Ew, my princess? Gross, that's how dads call their child.

Y/n was about to sputter some other achievement of her boyfriend out but (fortunately) got interrupted by the bell.

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