•4: She's kinda hot actually...

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As soon as the bell from the last period rang, she sprinted to her bike and wanted to ride away. But got pulled back by something, or rather someone...


She turned around, feeling quite annoyed since she just wanted to go home. But soon enough her lips curled into a wide smile and Y/n hugged the person standing in front of her.

"Hey Lisa, what's up?" She said whilst pulling away.

"Oh not much, would you like to ride home with me and Lena and then maybe go out to do some fun stuff and get to know each other?" Lisa asked.

"Sure, altough I told Lena that we were going to work on science today. Would it be okay if we did it tomorrow?"

"Do what tomorrow?" Y/n turned around and saw the copy of Lisa running towards them.

She smiled at her and Y/n saw her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as she returned the gesture.

"Just meeting up with Lisa to go do some fun stuff, you know because we were gonna do science today." Y/n smiled back at Lena.

She saw Lena's facial expression change as if she was thinking of something.

"Lena?" Y/n waved her hand in front of the girl's face, "Watchu thinking about?" She smirked.

Lena snapped out of it real quick and stared at Y/n opening her mouth to say something and leaving her lips parted for a second before speaking up, "If you want to we'll do science another time and then you can go do something with my little sister today." Y/n chuckled at the word 'little'.

"Two minutes Lena! Two damn minutes!" She turned around to see an annoyed Lisa and burst out laughing together with Lena. Lisa then let out a groan to shut them up.

"I'm sorry little one" Lena turned back to Y/n "So you go hang out with my sister and we'll do science tomorrow, okay?"

Y/n nodded but halfway stopped and stared at Lena and then turned to Lisa to eventually go back to Lena. They both looked at her with a questioning look, knowing she was going to change the plan.

"Why don't you just join us? I mean if your little sister doesn't mind of course" she said as she smirked at Lisa who rolled her eyes at her but nodded in agreement.

"Sure, I'd love that, "Lena answered with exitement, "Now let's get out of this horrible place!"

Y/n let out a snort after and they all grabbed their bikes and rode away from school. Heading towards somewhere that Lisa had chosen, but had not told her sister nor her new friend.

"Lisa? Where the hell are you taking us? Just to know if I should be worried to be kidnapped you know."

The blond girl laughed at her friend's comment and proceeded to ride further not letting the two following human beings know where they were headed.

Lisa abruptly stopped close by an abandoned building causing Lena and y/n to almost bump into her. Lisa sent her sister a glare and turned to y/n "You really do like bumping into people don't you miss- you didn't tell me your last name, what is it?"

"Kim" muttered y/n looking down at her feet. She suddenly felt guilty because of Lisa's comment, not knowing why since it was obviously not meant to make her feel guilty about her actions, or was it?

"hmm Kim, short, powerful, special, I like it." She paused and took a look at her now anxious looking friend, "damn y/n you look like you've seen a ghost, is everything alright?"

That sentence made her look up again facing Lisa who stood a few feet away "Oh yeah sorry, I was just thinking about- well, stuff"

"Wouldn't want your mind if just thinking makes you feel so bad but kay" with that she earned a small smile from y/n and forgot about it.

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