•8: Grace

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AN: Sorry for the wait sweeties. But here's another not-so-very-long chapter :)


Everything changed. Well not everything but everything that was going on between y/n and Lena changed.

It wasn't a secret that they grew a lot more distant. Everyone noticed, but never dared to ask about it. And for that y/n was very thankfull. She would've had no idea how to answer their questions.

She herself didn't even know why Lena grew distant. She just let it happen after trying for a week and not getting any sign that could possibly mean Lena still cared about her.

All she knew is that it must have been because of someting that happend at the party two weeks ago. One problem though, she was drunk. So extremely drunk that she forgot everything about it the next morning.

In the week following she swore to God that she'd never drink again. It wasn't worth it. Not one slightest bit.

What happend was apparently not that bad for Lena to ignore her, but every time y/n asked her something, she got visibly uncomfortable and answered with a short answer where she would've given a whole explanation a couple of weeks ago.

She felt a pang deep inside her chest every time she would look across the hall and catch Lena staring at her but then looking away very fast and walking in a different direction than y/n. Or every time there would be a spot free next to her at the table but Lena would go sit at the other side, far away from y/n to avoid having a conversation with her.

It all hurt her deep, but she'd never show it. Not to Lena, not to Lisa, not to anyone. Only her pillows and stuffed animal knew how much she hated all of this and how hurt she was that her dork avoided her any time possible.

Her dork. Lena had become her dork, her closest friend next to Lisa. To y/n Lena was always more than just a friend. That was clear by how her heart rate picked up every time Lena smiled at her or how her knees went weak when she winked and how she couldn't hide her smile whenever Lena would run to her and hug her whispering 'Hey nerd' in her ear.

But that was all gone now. She wasn't her nerd anymore, she wasn't anyone's nerd anymore. Even Lisa became a hint more distant, y/n understood though. Lisa had to choose between one of her best friends or her sister and she didn't even know the story behind their remoteness.

The worst of all was still how she didn't even know what she might've done wrong, so she couldn't even apologise for it.

She knew that she should just walk to Lena and apologise for whatever she had done and tell her the truth that she doesn't remember anything after the rainbow drink, but something stopped her. She didn't know if it was anxiety, or maybe she's unconsciously mad at her for the unkown incident. But it stopped her and she never got the courage to overcome that feeling.


"Is it true?"

"Yeah she's apparently dating that Grace chick."

"Ah sucks, she's so hot, I wouldn't mind switching places with that Grace."

It was a huddle girls gossiping about the latest couples at school. Y/n never minded them, and that was one of the few things that hadn't changed. So just like always she walked past them and ignored whatever they were saying.

She had never heard of any Grace in their year, or that was at least until now.

She had just sat down with her group of people under their tree when she saw Lena walking over campus with her arm around a smaller girl, who had dark brown hair and looked at Lena like she was some sort of Godess, which honestly, she was.

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