•6: athletics

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Friday evening, school had already ended like 30 minutes ago, tough y/n was still at school. She could've been hanging with Lisa and her friends but today were the try-outs for the athletics team. So she was getting ready in the locker room.

She hadn't done any research over the team, she didn't even know who the captain and the coach were. Altough miss. Green was probably the coach since she was also the most praised PE teacher.

There was a girl from her class also getting ready, she could've asked her about the team but she didn't even remember the girl's name so that might've gotten awkward.

Most girls looked nervous for some reason, but y/n was only exited, she was great at athletics and was sure she'd get in the team because of her skills.

"Hey, you're new at this school right?" a girl aproached her. She was tall, brown hair that was held together in a pony tail and dark brown eyes. Something about her screamed power.

Y/n looked up at the girl, she herself was a shortie. "Yeah" she simply answered.

"Stella, I'm already in the team. Just wanted to warn you for the captain, she can be a bit harsh at times, but she's actually really sweet." She stuck out her hand.

"Y/n, thanks for the warning I guess." she shook her hand awkwardly, wondering who that captain may be.

Everyone was already leaving the room and soon y/n and Stella followed them too.  


She didn't know what she expected but definitely not this.

Lena Mantler was the captain of the athletics team. The Lena Mantler she was friends with. She wasn't scary or intimidating at all. Wel at least not how she knew her.

It wasn't a secret that she was extremely hot in her sports bra and shorts, every fucking girl was looking at her with those gross heart eyes. She shouldn't feel mad, because she was probably doing the same, but something triggered her.

They started with a speech from Lena about how intense being in the team actually is and other stuff. And had to do two rounds as a warm up. It was already clear that some girls only came here for Lena, that being because they couldn't even complete two laps.

Lena indeed seemed a lot more tense on the track than normal, she took the sport very serious and yelled at the girls who couldn't run fast enough to pack their stuff and go home.

Sprints were also easy, y/n became first most of the time and sometimes second or third, never lower. Lena yelling 'good job' or 'well done' to her was now her new favourite sound.

"Didn't imagine you being so fast with those mini legs of yours." Lena whispered next to her after she called everyone together. Smirking proudly at y/n.

"Didn't imagine you being captain with those weak arms of yours." y/n teased back.

Lena huffed at her. "My arms may be weak, but you should see what I can do with those hands of mine." she said, right before clapping her hands and talking to the girls who had now formed a circle, leaving y/n completely startled.

That girl had no idea what she did to y/n.


Try-outs went by fast, long jumps went horrible after Lena's talk with her, but she got her shit back together with hurdles. It was obvious that she was one of the better athletes.

She rode with Lena to her house to finish their chemistry project and this time she let her mother know she'd be home late.

"Hey y/n, how did the try-out go?" Lisa asked as soon as they entered the house.

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