•7 : I shouldn't have done that

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Almost party time, just a few hours left of peace before the night'll go down.

Y/n got a call from Lena earlier. She asked what she was going to wear for the party.

"Why do you want to know? Just some ripped jeans and a crop top."

"Yeah no shit, but what colour?"

"Black jeans, white tee, why?"

"Thank you that way we can wear matching outfits. Damn y/n have you been living under a rock? Or do you just not know party trends?"

That was a part of their conversation, it wasn't her fault to not understand Lena, that girl could be very confusing sometimes.

Anyway, Lena had settled on the opposite colours of y/n, meaning she'd wear a black top and white jeans. Not so very smart for a party to wear white but at least they'd look cool and matching.

Lisa was going with Luca so since y/n was her closest and yet newest friend in their group she had chosen to go with her, of course maybe also because she might have an eye on y/n but that was only for her to know.

It was just impossible to not like her. Y/n had light brown hair, bright blue eyes -if you saw them from close by, they kind of looked like the ocean- and she had one dimple on her cheek and freckles all over her nose. She simply was adorable.

But when Lena imagined her in the outfit she'd described a little while ago, the only thing she could say about her would be 'she's hot'.

The blonde was playing chess when her phone rang again. Y/n was calling her. A smile automatically creeped up on her face when she heard the familiar voice saying 'hey you'.

"Hey, what's up?" She answered, her smile even wider if that was possible.

"Nothing actually, that's the reason I called you. I'm bored, like very very bored. So bored that I think God might come and kick my ass because I'm being as unproductive as the dinosaurs, and they're already dead. Even Austin is mocking me because for once he-" The voice on the other end of the line complained.

"Y/n! Will you stop rambling about your boredom and tell me a solution to your dinosaur problem?" Lena interrupted.

She heard a small embarrassed giggle from y/n, "yeah sorry uhm- so I wanted to ask if I can come over? I don't want to interrupt you or something so you can of course just say no and let me die here from boredom, but you know, it would be pretty cool if you'll say yes to your dearest friend."

She started rambling... again. Lena and
y/n both mentally face-palmed, each for other reasons though.

"Yeah of course you can come over. My dearest friend." The eldest chuckled, "Maybe I should change your contact name from 'darling' to 'dearest friend' now?"

Y/n groaned at Lena's offer before making clear that was the last thing she wanted but 'darling' wasn't good either.

"I'll see you in ten then, bye"

She had hung up the phone before Lena could make any more fun of her antics.

Lena was playing her game with Lisa before but when the younger one saw that dumb grin on her sister's face she assumed she wanted some privacy and had left her sister's room to go call her boyfriend instead.

In conclusion, Lena had no one to play with for the next ten minutes. So she decided to play chess against herself. Winning shouldn't be difficult at least.


Lena had just moved her tower to E5 when the door of her room opened.

She looked up only to see a gorgeous y/n leaning against her doorframe.

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