•2: Arrival in Germany

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When Luna was out of sight Y/n still wasn't able to take her eyes off the road. She kept looking outside, eyes puffy and her view stayed blurry, taking in the last bits of her beloved city before they would take a turn to the highway. She saw rows of trees pass by and turned around to look at the spot she'd always gone to with friends and where they had watched the sunsets almost every Friday night, almost falling asleep in each other's lap. Silent music from the radio filled their car, but y/n's thoughts easily transcended the song. 

She simply couldn't believe that she was actually moving. To a whole new country, with different people, different food, a different culture. Everything seemed like it was about to change and in some way, everything would. Y/n wasn't yet ready for that to happen, she used to keep her old habits and surroundings close and hold them so tight that nothing could possibly change and yet now they did, though not entirely voluntary. 

When they drove past the sign that said that the turn to the freeway was only 500 meters away, she decided it was time to lay her head down together with all the thoughts that were fogging up her mind, for they had no good purpose besides making her nervous and y/n concluded that that purpose wasn't good enough to let them stay. So she laid her head down in a way that it was squeezed into the little window. 

After a game of rock, paper, scissors earlier her brother had won the seat in the front. Y/n didn't really mind though because it meant that she had the entire backseat for herself. That's why she had already placed her legs on the two remaining seats and made herself comfortable taking in every seat in the back of the car.

Not long after, her eyelids became heavy and she slowly fell asleep. She still had her headphones on and her indie music playing loudly, though, as her tiredness took over, the music seemed to fade and she fell into a deep slumber until they arrived at the place where they would take the ferry to France.

Y/n had never taken a ferry before, she hadn't even taken any kind of boat before, which made this trip at least a little exciting for her. They arrived a little less than an hour early, so they drove the car on the boat and waited until it would depart.

y/n walked to the front of the deck and looked out over the sea. It was beautiful, the small waves that moved slowly back and forth, the quiet rustle from the wind, and the seagulls flying above it, searching for fish. It was calming that was sure. But also terrifying, the thought that their new life was just across this sea, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like and how the people would be. She decided to believe they would be even nicer than in the UK, which honestly wouldn't be too hard. 

She got torn out of the thoughts forming as she noticed her brother coming to stand next to her and laying his hands on the steel posts at the edge of the deck. He was looking at the sea as well.

"You good sis?" He suddenly asked softly. She noticed a slight tremble in his hands and she knew he must be feeling just as nervous as she felt.

"I will be," she answered slightly taken aback by the worry in her brother's voice, "What about you?" She felt some tears welling up but blinked them away quickly, though she wasn't quite fast enough for she saw a touch of worry flash in her brother's eyes. He must've felt the sadness himself since they were literally moving to another country, leaving both their lives behind, but y/n knew her brother wanted to at least stay strong for her, he had always tried being her role model since their father left. At 12 years old y/n decided it was only fair if she also stayed strong herself, so ever since she tried to hide whenever she felt down for her brother because it wasn't his task to worry about her, but this time there wasn't any use in hiding. 

"Same for me. Even though I'm looking forward to this adventure, I can't deny the fact that I'm going to miss our home." They locked eyes and he threw a sympathetic smile to y/n.

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